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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does art and literature suggest refinement of human mind?

Question: Does art and literature suggest refinement of human mind!?
Or, is it a merely a means of entertainment for our weary senses!?

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The Fact that we recognise Art is amazing itself so this obviously shows our intelligence and refinement there!.
A termite does not worship it's mound although it is a natural masterpiece for an animal of that size!.

It could be a way to entertain the senses because that is what we all strive for, happiness!.

Art was an early form of entertainment but it has stuck because it shows an insight into the mind and the way we think!. IF analysed deeply enough then we can even diagnose disorders, which is baffling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I would say in part, yes!. The author/artist has a certain refinement of senses that contributes to the creation of lasting works!. However, arts and literature are more a testament to the life and times of the artist!. They reflect and expound on the social values, the interests, fads, tragedies and triumph of the society in which the artist lives/lived!. In this respect, I'd link them more with history than with philosophy of any kind!. Except, there is always an edge of the creators philosophy contained within the work!.
Arts and literature have historically been considered refined arts, refined pastimes!.!.!.!.in part because it was the upper classes who could afford books, artworks and the time to appreciate them in a social setting!. That no longer holds true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the amount of thought provoked through the art or literature!. Personally I prefer the mindless books and art which are for pure entertainment as I find intellectual material very tedious to trawl through!. Sometimes people need to think about the meaning of something for a challenge and other times we need to relax and have things laid out simply for us!. Harry Potter could never be classed as refined but it is still better to read the book than watch the movie as at least it provides punctuation and grammar, even if it doesn't create a philosophical thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps, if art and literature themselves can be found to have become more refined over time!.

Literature, because of the high barrier to entry, might suggest refinement before it ever approached what we think of as literature today!. but if arranging sticks in a pattern, to signal information to ourselves or others, was the precourser to literature, then sure, even literature goes back pretty far!.

If we crawled out of primordial ooze, breathed our first breath into our fledgling lungs, blinked, and thought, wait tell I tell the guys about this! Did we not contemplate artistry or literature in the telling!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

art and literature express what is in the mind!. how articulate, relevant, or provoking it is, is the measure of it's refinement!. within reason, everyone can draw or write something!. wether that something is meaningful to others, depends upon the artist's ability and skill to convey his idea(s)!.

nuff said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some do!. Depends upon the level!. Great works of art are probably dependent on an evolved consciousness which occurs over many lifetimes!. Whether some art is merely entertaining is a matter of socialization and culture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose the best in art and literature suggests refinement of the mind as they incorporate both asthetics and the intellect!. Unfortunately, there is a tendency for them to be "dumbed down" now to mere commodities or for entertainment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Art an literature is a way of expressing feelings and thoughts that would simply go to waste!. however i would say that these thoughts are channeled into a way of entertaining our senses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not so much as shows the mood of the human experience!.
The mind is always either refined or delinquent!. Either of which can always be reflected in the mind of an artist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, most likely!. Inside the galleries of mind there are perfectly preserved pieces of brokenness , often we go there in moments of need or for those who want to hide their greed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For most art collector they are entertaining their ego, investment, goodwill and lastly to allure their mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have no need to paint or write to survive yet cave men still painted scenes of life, therefore it must be inherent in us as a means of expressing ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It suggests expression!.!.!. of many different things!. Most of all it presents an individual with the ability to leave a mark!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Art is the water for thirsty souls!.


a little bit of both, methinksWww@QuestionHome@Com