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Question: This is my another Phil essay test!.!.!.please help me out!?
B!. Discuss the view that justice (distributive justice) requires some sort of equality among people!. Consider several possibilities, such as equality of: income, wealth, life-prospects (at birth), opportunity (explain what this is), happiness, need-satisfaction (explain what “needs” are), etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

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"Equality of opportunity" is e!.g!. free education provided by taxpayers, with counseling to inform students that how they learn to learn and what they develop as personal skills helps shape their earning and life's work!.

Distributive justice works two ways: giving opportunity to all, and permitting each to earn and achieve without being held back!.

In sports, all may try to play baseball!. Those who practice, work, and excel are not to be held back to the standards of others who do less and even care less!.

This is a problem John Rawls missed understanding in his major, first work, and which he acknowledged (although did not fully correct)--that distributive justice is not simply taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor, what the wealthy may have earned, but also allowing individuals the right to earn and prosper, develop as they see fit, to be the best they desire to be!.

Many teachers of "distributive justice" simply do not understand this basic aspect of "distributive justice," as their social perspectives prejudice them in favor of taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor!. However, logically, freedom and justice also protect the creative minority from the "herd mentality" of the social-ist majority!. Some people may find physics to be their joy, and the majority should not hold them back; another subset may find music composition to be important, etc!. Thus, the tyranny of the majority is an artificial, illogical overemphasis on the "distributive" notion as "justice," to the detriment of pursuit of happiness which each individual tends to experience somewhat specially!.

"A Philosophy of Universality," Aivanhov!.

Secondly, a psychology of needs and self-realization, Abraham Maslow's "Theory Z," is superior to Marx's flawed and naive notion of worker psychology!. All humans may be said to have basic needs, including food, shelter, water, social esteem, and, as Theory Z found, a value in a higher Good beyond self!.

During the process of need-fulfilling, a transformational platform is built, upon which self-actualization and individuation occur!. Plotinus' "One Mind Soul"-individuation also described this!. The question is whether the State is god, or an instrument serving the people, who are governed by a Constitution, and have citizen morality which cherishes individual freedom toward self-actualization, the pursuit of happiness and freedom to be the best one can be!. Rather than demeaning the inner child, calling it infantile, the inner child joy, love, and truthfulness ought be championed by the ad-ult, and childishness healed!. This latter category includes the childish will to power which illogically denies any higher Good or Being, and thus denies its own childlike insight into the Real: e!.g!., "Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph!.D!., "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M!.D!., and even http://www!.carolbowman!.com and "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com