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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is God making me jump loop after loop? As soon as I overcome one obstacle, there

Question: Is God making me jump loop after loop!? As soon as I overcome one obstacle, there's always another one!.!?
After I've overcome a major obstacle to life, God would always find a way to give me another obstacle!. An obstacle that could be in other arena of life!.

Like, after you have found a great career, you start having bf/gf troulbe!.

Or after you have sorted out your relationship with your parents, your spouse start acting like evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People who believe in God believe that he won't put more in your path than he knows you can handle!. In fact that's one main reason for believing in God in the first place!.

The way I see it, there's two kinds of lives!. One is just one damn thing after another!. The other is the same damn thing over and over!. 8^<Www@QuestionHome@Com

After a life of learning this is what I've learned about the meaning of life!. Everything is connected--connected to what you may ask!? There are words for this, but lets call it God!. The God that we experience is only one side of God, but it is the most important side for us because it is (again there are words, but lets call it freedom)!. We actualize God's freedom and freedom arises in the limiting condition that defines it--therefore, yes, to quote you, "As soon as I overcome one obstacle, there's always another one!." The big question here is "what is required of me of God"!. Well, I can't tell you that, but whatever you decide you will continue to "overcome one obstacle after another!." Take care, daveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't think of your trials as loops!. And God is all good!. Nothing bad cames from the Creater!.
Bad things happen because life is free choice!. Even our ansestors have a word in who we are!.

I figure life is like a big roll of the dice!. Some people are lucky most of the time!. Others don't get the best rolls of the dice!. I am that person too!.
It is all about life!. Since you are a free choice human, you can choose to make the best of everything!. Even the loss of a bf or gf!. Feel the pain and move on!. Thank God for the lessons you have learned and enjoy your career!. God will send you the person in your life who is right for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's perhaps time to adjust your viewpoint!. Yes, difficult things happen in life!. Very rarely will everything be going "just perfectly"!.!. that's not what life is!. Realize that challenges help define who you are, and strengthen you in life!.

Everything happens for a reason hon, but if you try to focus more on the good things happening in your life, and deal with the bad stuff appropriately, then perhaps it'll make things easier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My mathematics teacher did the same to me!. He kept giving me more sums every time I solved them, every day!. I'm not saying I solved them all!.
Only thing, he never got mad at me for this, only appreciation of my humility and perseverance!.
I got through his class with flying colours!.
But you know what, the physics teacher in the next level did the same!. He too appreciated me for my efforts and I got through again!.
I know a man, who multiplied too!. He's the best teacher I know and I draw my strengths from Him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you truly believe in God, you wouldn't have to ask this question!. God is simply telling you to pray to Him and ask help from Him; that He is always there for you no matter what happens!. Through every obstacle in life, He'll always be there to guide you!. (: God bless!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think, it's d way u luk at life!. if u think things always go rong wid u, they will never stop getting right! y do u condider them as obstacles in yur life, i say, u shud take tem as a part n parcel of yur living!. n as 4 God, believe dat whatever happens happens 4 d best!. God is d greatest judge n he is jst testing yur temperament!. keep yur cools intact becuz life without problems is just like, a rose widout thorns, a mirror widout reflection, an unbalanced equation!.!.!.
i hope i cud help u gather yur spirits! HAPPY 2 HELP!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's life!.!.!.If God saved us all from our problems we face every day!.!.!.what would we need him for!? Blame Adam and Eve! lol We would all be living in paradise with no problems but they got us all kicked out cause they couldn't listen to the one rule He gave them! Don't eat from that tree! How hard is that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the more the diamond cutter bears down the more the diamond shinesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think god is bull shi* but this happens to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know what you are talking about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is neither an older gentleman with white, flowing beard, sprayed with chlorophyll, sitting in a corner of the Universe, nor a cosmic meanie or bellhop!.

When God endowed spirit-sparks with the ability to make wise choice--"free will"--developing sophomoric types were fully, kindly, and lovingly forewarned of consequences of experimenting with iniquity (e!.g!., jealousy, anger, greed)!.

Groups of such willful spirit-sparks even circulated into this energy level reality, which is rather dense!. At this level, we are pretty much on our own, as a result of electing to (ab)use free will in this relativistic matter!.

It is a Mercy to send e!.g!. Moses with Energy Laws, Jesus with divine Love, unto mankind!. Otherwise, what spirit-sparks sow, individually and collectively, brings about the "loop d' loop!."

In fine, much of our suffering is self or group inflicted, not something God is inflicting!. God is divine Love, pure Love (and Truth, Justice, and Mercy, and the like), and as we purify ourselves, we draw nigh to God's holiness!.

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"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,
"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,
"Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton,
"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis,
"Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph!.D!.
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are examples of other perspectives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com