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Position:Home>Philosophy> How much did you love Christmas as a kid?

Question: How much did you love Christmas as a kid!?
Did you love it so much you waited until past midnight for Santa Claus to come, but he never did and you still believed in him!?
Did you love it so much you didn't care that you didn't get any presents, but was just glad that the world seemed to be wrapped in this magic!?
Did you love all those Christmas specials to the point where you would watch them in July!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i always loved Christmas when i was a kid we got very little in the way of presents for Christmas but we never looked at the amount it was the joy we felt we had a special dinner (baked chicken, mashed potatoes, jello with whipped cream) i wish i could travel back in time to those days sometimesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked Christmas as a kid but, I wasn't all into like in July!. As a kid, I just liked the idea of how much fun we had as a family!. As an adult, Christmas has a totally different meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like all Children today, as far as I can remember, Loved it, and respected it enough to wait for all my presents, and opened / Ripped them Open, them all in the morning with the entire Family!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no i really didn't believe in a real Santa Claus!.!.i'm only happy when we are having fun, receiving gifts!.!.!.uhmm!.!.not yet experienced!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com