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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is it that makes identical twins have different personalities if they were.

Question: What is it that makes identical twins have different personalities if they were!.!.!.!?
raised in the same family!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
they are different people and they are still treated slightly differently by others and encounter slightly different experiences in life!. even if they are standing next to one another looking at a sunset, for example, they will be seeing it from slightly different angles!. their entire life is like that, slightly skewed from one another, hence the differences between them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No two beings can be identical, likewise no twins are identical!. It is just that their physical appearence is perceived as identical!. Both eyes look identical, are they really identical, If we check with doctor they say lot of biological difference between them!. Our sense organs have limitations, so the twins are preceived as identical!. So if someone can look beyond these limitations, they can easily say twins are not identical in any case!.

Given that, it is for the same reason as the childs born of same family have different personality, twins also have different personalityWww@QuestionHome@Com

The same thing that causes them to have different fingerprints, to a degree!. There is a lot of information in DNA and we still don't know exactly what it influences, but there are a number of things that it certainly does not control because of differences between twins and because even a lot of information is not an unlimited amount!. For example, it doesn't control the fine features of skin development in the womb (which causes different fingerprints) nor does it control every neural connection in the brain!. So there's plenty of room for difference!.

Many psychologists have and continue to observe that being raised together in the same family in many cases CAUSES differences!. Twins who are together often wish to be distinctive!. Child order and social expectations can induce responsive personality development - first children in any family are often leaders and any particular group can generally only have one strong leader!.

Yet even if we raised twins in separate families and subjected them to very similar experiences they are likely to develop any number of differences!. Think of this as an example of the 'butterfly effect' if you like!. Sometimes a momentary behaviour can have life-long consequences ("The last thing I ever said to him was 'I hate you'")!. So the level of environmental and personal control to try and teach even twins identical lessons in every situation is not likely to ever exist!.

Consider also opportunities and problems which CANNOT occur in pairs!. Only one twin can possibly be class president or date a particular person at a time (at least, unless they are both highly duplicitous, so to speak)!. If they compete against each other only one of them can win!. And the one who does will be encouraged to develop that aspect of himself while the other will be discouraged from doing so!. Even more difference!

Considering all these factors, I personally find it amazing that twins behave even as alike as they sometimes do! That's my take anyway, for what it's worth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many sets of twins in my family!. From what I have seen, twins are born with one, a leader and one, the follower!.
In our family, one twin begins life more active, louder, and demanding more attention!. One twin is more quiet, less demanding, and seems to 'settle' with what life brings!. Twins are a miracle that my family totally enjoys!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He saw the horse jump over the fence , I just saw him standing on the other side , it all took place in two seconds ,, he always wanted to fly , I didn't ever need to leave the ground ,, what your eyes do,,, is important , something called him to see it ,,,something called me to look away ,,,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because no two souls are the same!.
Please do not think I am not a religious nut but for me the one true sign for me that souls exists is the difference in twins and even siblings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The soulWww@QuestionHome@Com

i grew up with a twin , god rest her soul
people all have their own brain, we think alike but have separate