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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there actual proof the world will end in 2012? (except for the prediction of

Question: Is there actual proof the world will end in 2012!? (except for the prediction of the mayans)!?
I don't want the world to end, I don't want to die young either!. Can someone give me a link or something to proof that the world will not end at this time!. also should we believe the Mayans on this one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
on december 21 2012, a new era starts!. it's NOT the end of the world!. we're going to be lined up with the center of the milky way!. it is said that there is a black hole in the middle of it, and it will affect our solar system or something, it's NOT true!.
the world won't end!. you have nothing to worry about!. I used to think it was too, I researched it in depth, the mayans NEVER said it was the end of the world!. it's just a beginning of a new eraWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are a lot of different data sets that point to 2012 as the end of time; History Channel (or is it Discovery or Science!?!?!?) has been broadcasting a show about all of them!.

But look: if you want a good picture on end-time predictions, get a copy of "When Prophecy Fails" by Leon Festinger!.

Then, to get a nice handle on conspiracy theories, read the "Illuminatus" trilogy by She and Wilson, and then "The Cosmic Trigger" by Robert Anton Wilson where he discusses all of the inspirations for his novel--including how you can use funky math to make any number mean anything in any system!.

Here's an idea!. If the world ends in 2012 (or 2014, or whenever), then what do you want to do between now and then!? A good idea is to just go ahead and live your life as if there WERE a tomorrow, as if the prediction meant nothing!. Then if you die in 2012 you will at least have had your life up to that date without fear and panic; if you don't, you've got a foundation for moving forward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!.!.!. just like there is proof as to what next weeks lotto numbers will be


Drama queen, below, is correct though!. The Maya never said that 2012 was the end of the world!. They never gave an Armageddon prophecy!. They simply ended their calender!.!.!. it was a big circular rock that was carved!.!.!. not nearly as easy to tack addendum's onto after the fact!.!.!. not as easy as it is to simply start printing out next years calendar!.

If the publishers of our society decided arbitrarily not to print out calendars for 2009, will everyone assume its a sign that 2009 wont happen!? I would assume not!. But what if we printed out calendars for the next 500 years!.!.!. then stopped there because we ran out of paper or ink or because our civilization fell to conquerors!. Then, in 500 years people will look back at the genius and ingenuity of the ancient world (us) and ask why we suddenly stopped our calendar at an arbitrary date!. Who knows what panic we will instill in the small minds of our descendants!.

There are too many Armageddon fanatics in our society, desperate for the world to end!. A lot of that comes from Christian influence!.!.!. and a lot comes from occult mystics that enjoy stories of desperation, strife, and human defeat at the hands of Gods, aliens, vampires, or conspirators of dark societies!. It gives people hope and a sense of purpose, as well as an alleviation to guilt, to believe that their life is not in their own control, all the while appealing to the human condition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pretty close!. The first thing that will happen is a low buzzing sound, sort of a low pitched vibration!. People will soon notice that the ground becomes softer, sort of spongy!. Sidewalks and roadways will begin to crack, buildings lean and all electrical appliances will shutdown!. Several hours later all trees, grass and other plants will turn brown, then gray and finally crumble into a black dust!. At this point even George Bush, AKA the Decider, will figure something is up, but will continue dicking around with his war!.!.!.I mean let's keep our national priorities straight!. Meanwhile the entire surface of the earth will beging to turn into the consistancy of Elmer's glue, the oceans will begin to boil and the atmosphere will fly off into space, never to return!. Oh, by the way!.!.!.by this time you'll be dead as snot, so if the world doesn't actually 'end', it will have ended for you and 6 plus billion other people!. Hard cheese, eh!? Well, nothing is forever!. Somewhere I hear a Mayan chuckling!Www@QuestionHome@Com

there cannot be proof for something that will not occur!. do you really think the mayans had knowledge we do not possess!? or could not!? they just ended their calendar that year!. you want them to make an infinite calendar!? that would use up alot of stone and it wouldn't fit nicely in your pocket!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u know this famous philosopher before the mayans predicted the world ending in 2012 he also predicted 9-11 if the world does end it will be a slow proscess that will take billions of years and i belive its the prediction of the mesiah idk why i just know hes comingWww@QuestionHome@Com

well the bible does say that when the end of days come there will be many false prophets!.!.!.!.!.!.

but i wouldnt worry about it
the maya never predicted it, they ended their calendar because they didnt have time 2 extend it cause the darn spanish came and took them overWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are no guarantees in life but I am pretty sure that the world is not ending!. Unless the idiots that control the nuclear weapons of this world decided to have a fight!.!.!.then all the bets are completely off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's true, see http://www!.timecube!.com for complete proofWww@QuestionHome@Com