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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it just me, or, are the houses getting bigger and family time together becomi

Question: Is it just me, or, are the houses getting bigger and family time together becoming fewer!?!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. I think there have been studies that have shown that the average size of homes have increased from previous decades!. There are probably a number of factors at play, and I am no expert, but I would guess, the move of the middle class to the suburbs has allowed for more space while a higher standard of living has allowed for more money to be spent on larger homes!. I also think credit is easier to come by today, allowing more people to get homes they otherwise could not afford (we saw some of the negative consequences of this with the recent foreclosure epidemic)!.

There have also been studies that have shown that people are less involved in the public sphere - community activities have dropped off!. A number of great books have charted the isolationist trend in American society - Bowling Alone, A Crowd of One, Habits of the Heart!. I am not aware of any studies that look at the amount of time spent with one's family, but it seems to me this has decreased!. Again, there are likely a number of factors - increased capitalist pressures on the parents to work more (and so spend less time with the family), more gadgets (computers, TV, PS2's) to keep family members busy and separate, less social value placed on family time!.

I think this is a fascinating subject and that you are on to something!. If you want more in-depth answers, I recommend the sociology section!. I have always regretted studying political science instead of sociology as my other major!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah it's just ya!.
Why!? Because ya need to grow along with your age coz' ya need to change as time passes by!. There are different stages in life that it has different levels to go with it too!.
Stages of Life:
1- At birth to age 2 - infant to baby stage - your just tiny & helpless; ya need people around ya to feed ya to live!.
2- Age 2 to 10 - kid stage - playful level; no worries in life coz' all your needs are well provided for by your parents
3- 10 to 16 - adolescent level - still dependent from parents
4- 16 to 20 - teen level - make decisions by yorself; discover mature life
5- 20 to 25 - slightly independent; experience maturity
6- 25 to 30 - adult & independent level
7- 30 to 40 - stable level
8- 40 to 50 - fully experienced level
9- 50- to 60 - downtrend level
10 60 to 70 - retirement level
11- 70 to 80 - fully retiredWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's definitely not just you!. There are some families of 3 living in a house built for 10!? WHY!? Let me know when you know!. I think people are simply being greedy with their money because they have no idea where to put it!. If you have money like that, spend it on something for the good of society or your family and friends, something that doesn't take up space and clutter the world and be useless!. Some people need to find their true purpose in life and realize what is really important to them!. When I have a family, dinner time together will be my #1 priority after school and work for us!. Every sports game, ever school play and every heartbreak - I'll be there!. I'll never miss anything!. [Some] of society is missing out on what's really important and breaks away from reality!. Their living in this detached little world where they're only working to make money rather than living and enjoying what time they do have!. This is why I'm not in politics - I would push a law that would prohibit overworking and ignoring your kids!. It's agitating and I don't know how to solve it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For those who are fortunate to have a family, these are truly blessed!. Take the time to enjoy them while they are still with us!. Treat everyone of your family members as if today was there last day!. Remeber to give a gift, even though they don't deserve it!. For those who don't have a family, sadness follows them in silence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it is not just you making this observation!.!.!.!.I used to clean for people and it was amazing how much space people got dirty but never spent time in the same rooms!. Plus they had to work long hours and their children spent time in day care and camps while the house was virtually empty!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree, when I was growing up we always had people living with us, relatives, friends, and we only had 1 bathroom!.!.!.now in our home we have 51/2 bathrooms!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com