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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is POPULATION GROWTH going to lead to the extinction of Humanity?

Question: Is POPULATION GROWTH going to lead to the extinction of Humanity!?
Because the Earth's resources are insufficient to provide for an increasing population!?
Is it time for all countries of the World to adopt China's "one child policy"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was time to do that a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago!. Scientists claim that the earth can support 1 Billion (1,000,000,000) people; currently, there are almost 7 Billion persons!.
In order to allow more than 1 Billion persons to live, scientists have been ravaging the earth, using chemicals to make foods grow, taking water out of the earth!.!.!.Not good for the long run!. The world's largest supply of fresh water, the Ogallala Aquifer, is running dry, as all the states between the Appalachians and the Rockies have been using the water for irrigation, manufacturing, flushing the toilet!.!.!.
World wide, there are critical water shortates!. One quarter of the world's population does not have safe drinking water; a fifth does not have adequate food; hundreds of millions are starving to death!.
If people don't want wars (they claim it, although the evidence is to the contrary), if they don't want disease (most diseases are preventable, if people were moral and clean), they need to quit having babies!.
Zero population growth is not enough; the earth needs a negative growth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Population Growth:
1!. Government subsidies - in some country, governments are promoting population growth to get more workforce in order to compete with larger countries!.
2!. Human Rights Activity - The human rights activities saves a lot of lives!.
3!. Advanced medical - With the more and more cure for global plague, growth will always exceed death!.
4!. UN - UN did a good job preventing any large scale war to occur!. Same as just now, more born less death!.

If the 1 child policy is globally practised, do expect the extinction of humanity within 3 generations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, zero population growth would be a good idea!.

But population growth won't lead to extinction!. It may lead to extreme hardship and eventual population decline through natural forces, but some human beings will remain!. Whether we retain any of our complex technological civilization or we regress to the lifestyle of the Kalihari !Kung tribes, no one can tell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

gthat's one way to go, but not really a good way!. we are removing all traces of how natural evolution is meant to shape us!. this would be one extra one of those things!. the solution is to radically change our way of life, and to allow for us to die naturally!.

you speak easily of regulating birth but our problem is not our birth rate it's the survival rate!. a large birth rate makes for good evolving, fittest survive!.

i would say in all likelihood extinction of humanity as in extinction like dinosaurs yes!. if not even with your system in place well regulated and well followed, extinction of humanity as in cyborgs dependent on technology, a fair likelihood, and an absolute certainty if you count genetic manipulation as cyborg, if we choose to change ourselves genetically, where do you draw the line!? how advanced to you choose to make humans!?

maybe if you have gene manipulation and you legislate that you can only choose to give your child genes that belong to at least one of the natural parents!.!.!. then you might be on to something with a one child policy, (or "some number of child" policy as need be!.) but without that, it just seems moot to me!. plus at this point it would need to be a worldwide thing for some countries or else they will go grossly underpopulated and it would to be strictly regulated!. or if all contries blended into one, a definate necessity for the future of mankind in my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, our own stupidity is going to lead us to extinction!. Plagues, diseases, natural deaths will be taking care of our increasing population, and so will the murderers, rapists, homicidal maniacs, and suicidal people!. Oh, and don't forget the drunks who accidently kill innocent bystanders!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's possible!. People can't just MAKE food out of nothing, it's not possible!. So once we run out of resources, we WILL die!. Earth is also bound to run out of water, wood, and such, which will take away two of our three needs for life, water and shelter!. So in my opinion, overpopulation will end up killing the earthWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, we have great untapped resources!. But, if all the people in the world were given land and a house like in a normal American subdivision, they could all easily fit into the state of Texas!. This world can hold a lot more people!. So get busy bringing more children into the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it may!. If we can't control its growth it will soon explode in proportion!. People will fight for what's left in this world & survival of the fittest will be the name of the game!. The losers die, the victors remain to vanquish the spoils for himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

HELLZ YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally someone that agrees with me!!! yay!!!!!
see all these problems were having in the world today!?
war and bad economy, it's all cause theres too much of us!.
i also believe that the bloocl sucking and greed 4 the stuff (by blood i mean $$$$) will also help the end of our time hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

It will not happen!. The death of those who cannot compete is key!. I'm not talking about eugenics but letting those who cannot rise sink!. You have to understand that most of those people have iq's of 90!. These people can be eliminated by letting them drown in stupidity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has begun!. Over population is the cause of ALL the worlds problems, political, economic, and environmental!. There are riots over food shortages now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Population growth in animals is usually offset (eventually) by an increase in disease!. Does that sound familiar!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

As they say, 'what goes up, must come down'!. I have a few relatives that I'd like to volunteer to lead off the extinction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. We will colonize other planets like the Moon and Mars!. we will also build larger space stations and space ships to go where no one has gone before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, though in my opinion, at this point, one child is one child too many!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

humanity will be become extinct no matter what we do!. All life will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com