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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do GEISHAS PERFORM sexual services?

Question: Do GEISHAS PERFORM sexual services!?
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Geisha's , in the days of old were bought or adopted by madams! These madams trained them to entertain rich men!.
The 'entertainment' level was at that time dependent upon the ability to pay the required price to the Madam!.
Most of the geisha's at that time were young virgins, virgins were very highly prized and highly priced!
It would take a lot of bargaining for a Madam to release a virgin!
As this custom has been on going for many many years, I see no reason why it would suddenly change!.
But my basic answer to your question is no they are not there to provide sexual services, they are there to entertain you and your guests!.
Plenty of prostitutes about to provide you with sexual services, different thing altogether!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, yes, geishas perform sexual----er----performance with their mates---not services!. The word 'service' suits to prostitutes only!. By the way, I do know the meaning of "GEISHA" is a kind of 'entertaining Japanese women'! I don't have any idea on them!. Probably, it's the same as "BAAIJEE" here in India, where Baaijees are supposed to be "lady teacher" sometimes for the rich-peoples' children! There they acquire knowledge of etiquette, classical dance, classical songs & ragas etc!. At the same time they used to entertain Raja (kings), Nawabs, Zamindars & honarable guests with high remunerations!. They also had their personal private life where sex was very obvious!. Well, few 'prostitues' tried to be fake Baaijee just to increase(!) their so-called status! Geishas might do the same, I suppose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey Geishas are not prostitutes as some people think!. Geishas make performances, they can be compared as artists!. However, some would accept sexual services not because they are geishas!. But, they are human beings and you can also find models, misses, movie actresses accepting sexual services for money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Geisha's aren't simply prostitutes, they are more like cultural hostesses!. However, when the most beautiful, talented girl 'comes of age' thier virginity is auctioned off - with the price being driven up by eager men!. The book "Memoirs of a Geisha" dealt with this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No they don't!. They are performance artists and are taught for years to perform ritualistic ceremonies!. That's not to say they can't take lovers and they might well meet these lovers as part of their working lives!. But the two don't mingle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com