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Position:Home>Philosophy> We ALL HAVE UNIQUENESS that makes us equally special?

Question: We ALL HAVE UNIQUENESS that makes us equally special!?
Is it impossible for one human being to be superior to another!? Regardless of knowledge or wisdom or wealth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All humans are created equal!. Among all other beings, man reigns supreme, that is in itself, made man special!.

Scientifically, yes you are unique because no other person in the world has the same genetic structure as yours!. You have your own mark, your very own voice print, DNA print, fingerprint, etc!.

Morally, yes, you are unique because you are you!. You are endowed with such a life that nobody else has!. Yuo experience things that only you had and you are thinking the way nobody else will!.

Socially, yes, you are unique, you are special because no other has deal with society the way you do!. No one else says things the way you do and no one else sees life the way you do!.

All in all, yes, you are you, you are unique, and that made you special!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think about:

1) If you want to rate people, you need a scale to measure!.
2) This scale could be knowledge, capabilities or many other aspects!.
3) If you exclude all factual scales, it is no wonder to end up that all people are equal "with regards to nothing"!. However, does this say anything after all!?
4) Is one animal superior to another animal of the same species!? In which respect humans are different from animals!?

Personally, I see much more aspects we have in common than aspects that make us special!. Each person is individually different, you can call it unique!. But "unique" feels like a word too intense to describe individuality and common traits that are just varied a little bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think it is impossible but i think this question is subjective!. it depends on your beliefs, religion, upbringing, genetic makeup, etc!. for example a Christian might think they are more superior to other's because they believe they are "saved"!. a king might think he is superior to others because of his title!. given that we are all born with the same physical makeup, it was what we are made up internally (gene superiority, the ability to live longer than others), and how we are bred, that can determine our superiority!.

i do not believe in the idea of a blank slate, some of us are born in to horrible circumstances, however this can determine superiority depending on personal belief!. i do have the belief that there are people who are rarely superior, including many self sacrificing individuals, or martyrs, and many dictators!. dictators are superior because they have walked all over and killed every person in their path to become higher than the rest of humanity!.

if you were to give up your entire being and dedicate it to another person/people/or cause i think this makes you superior!. this isn't necessarily a good thing!. i believe there is no such thing as true altruism except in such an extreme case as giving your life for someone elses (in a literal sense, not a christian sense)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm I personally don't like the idea of superiority!. I believe that all humans are special in a special and unique way!. So they are all special and unique as individuals and it's exactly this UNIQUENESS that makes us HUMANS special!.
Knowledge , wisdom , wealth are all labels and they are meant only to differentiate the capabilities of people!. Despite all these humans will face the same fate , the unknown: Death!. So after all there is no human being who is superior than the other and there is no country superior than another!. If only people realize that!. that would maybe relieve us of some of the cruelties and injustices our modern world is facing today!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my idea superiority is for God and not for us we have different talents that make us special to one another ( others have the talent that we don't have and we have the talents that they don't have)It means that we are equal in terms of skills and talents but our effort is the one that make us different to others (the more effort you spent to reach your dream to reach the more you will be likely to be succeed)Www@QuestionHome@Com

if u think in terms of success, survival of the fitest,(on any level,eg,the school yard,office,politics,social position ,family unit, survival ,!.!.etc!.!.)then absolutely you will have "superior" ,or ,dominant people !.
if u think in terms of spirituality, u would say we are all equal ,all here to do a certain job ,and nobodies job is more important than anothers in the whole sceme of things!.
nobody is superior to you unless u believe they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubt that we all have UNIQUENESS that was supposed to make us SPECIAL to others! Why then the words like fool, stupid, idiots come!? Well, if you mean a UNIQUE FOOL, then it's another matter :-)
It is POSSIBLE for one to be superior to another!. Since you mentioned only "knowledge+wisdom+wealth"----other than these, there are so many factors & math to judge a human being---whether superior or inferior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have to keep track of our uniqueness in the formation of our ideas!.!.!.!. and when trying to understand ourselves and the relationship we have with others!.!.!.!.this type of approach also helps us in relationships with others!.!.!. because "everyone" has their uniqueness!.!.!.!. and only keeping account!.!.!.!. both of ours and of others!.!.!. can we understand how to maintain relationships!.!.!. of every kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree!. Some have a greater potential for Good whilst others a higher propensity toward evil!.

Some nurture good will and aspire to a perceived greater state of being, whilst some decline, descend into apathy dejection, hatefulness and destruction !.!.!.

Egalitarianism applies only to civilised societies, and is rarely appropriated in modern day chaos mayhem and disorder!.!.!.

Brilliant and Beautiful Be !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe we are all born equal and with the same potential, some of us were lucky enough to be born into families where circumstances allow us to improve ourselves academically and spiritually others were not so fortunate but who is to say that the little child who lives in poverty on the streets or the one who has been abused or neglected could not have been the next brain surgeon or university professor or the finder of a cure for cancer etc if he/she were given the same opportunities as the more fortunate!. We are all equal it is society the separates us in to categories of hierarchy making some believe they are better than others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have to say " YES ", that in all our own ways we are all Unique, we all have our own different traits, " good and bad ", our different ways, of thinking, behaving, habits, hobbies, interests, political and religious believes, etc, etc, etc!.!.!.
There may be many+many people that you / we have a lot in common, but never exactly the same, Hence the saying, " No Two People are the Same "!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends what you mean by superior!. If you mean "better" then the answer is clearly and unequivocally "no"!. We each have something new, different and exciting to add!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has to be possible!. How do we determine who gets promotions, who get the girl, or who gets the last slice of pizza if nobody is superior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Uh i think its possible!. Mostly anything is possible!.!.!.!.!.!.!. Lol if you belive haha or in your imagination j/k but im not to sure!. I think its possibleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Good deeds/ bad deeds is what separates a human more than anything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Specialness depends upon our criteria!. God sees no difference!. I'm happier using His eyes that He gave me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com