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Position:Home>Philosophy> Could god be all the energy and matter in the universe?

Question: Could god be all the energy and matter in the universe!?
Therefor we could never prove his existence!.

What if god was the singularity of the big bang!? Could god be responsible for the rapid expansion of all the matter and energy!?

Do you think we have the wrong idea or concept of what god could be because of what we are taught to believe!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Einstein believed something along these lines!. I would completely agree!. Science and religion aren't opposing forces working against one another, but two distinct approaches to finding the same truth!.


People always want to create an image of God as some kind of human because that's something people can wrap their brains around, but say that God is all energy and it becomes too abstract!.

Just my two bits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes you are rightly put it in its correct perspective!. The God in its dynamic sate is universe and Its Static is all around the universe with unlimited space and character of Force & Consciousness in its invisible state of Total Darkness!. When It whant to realize the Self; it compressed itself with it mighty force and which was the premordial action of God before the Big Bang concept and which is the source of energy for the universe dinamic function!.
This is the clear cut theory formulated by the great Saint of 20 th century Vethathiri Maharishi of Tamil Nadu state in India!.

When defining such nebulous concepts, the term must best fit with what we typically mean by it!. If we tend to think of it as something which exists and something which is consistent, than it's best if your definition has those properties as well!. Certainly all the energy and matter in the universe is consistent and it exists and it does bear some of the properties often ascribed to God, such as being all powerful (as in having all physically consistent powers, not ones that are logically possible, but physically impossible)!. You could make a case for omniscience as well, at least to the extent that the Universe unfolds in some particular manner (though it isn't deterministic, so there's a limit)!. It's certainly omnipresent, by definition!.

However it still leaves something lacking in most concepts of God!. My advisor in college, Scott MacDonald, argued that God must be a "Person", defined in a very peculiar way!. It wasn't really a great argument, trying to define personhood as a necessary consequence of absolute perfection, but it does capture some of the intuition behind the term!. God, to most people, is something worth praising!. There is no point in praising the universe!. Thus, while there might be a conception of God there that exists, it's not one that will satisfey most people, believers or atheists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God could be that; but then he and "existence" would be equivocal!. This would require that god be understood to have no omniscience nor omnipotence!.

Existence is not omnipotent because when Man comprehends the laws of existence, he can get around them, like hearing voices from the moon 240,000 miles away!. Man could not hear a voice from 5 miles away, and still cannot under normal circumstances; yet we heard the astronauts by obeying the laws of existence!. ONLY in that respect is existence omnipotent--all of nature must follow its laws!.

But Man has more omnipotence in the long run--steady as she goes, keep working on the problem, figure out the math, understand physics, and eventually you can hear that voice from 240,000 miles away; or take pictures with a camera that is only 50,000 miles away from Saturn; or take 150 men to the bottom of the ocean in a vessel in which they don't die!.

If God were God and not "existence," we could not foil his plans like that!. And there are plenty of people who think we are foiling his plans in the short run, but in the long run we will lose!. Those are the man who say, "If god wanted us to fly , he would have given us wings,"--and who mean it when they say it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I once saw a TV host ask an Indian guru: What is God!?

He answered: What isn't!?

He is everything: energy, matter, nothingness, the timelessness of now, everything and that includes you and me!. Jesus understood this, actually experienced this, when he said, I am God!.

Definitely we have the wrong idea, precisely because we believe!. Believing is a lazy mental state, based on not trying to understand or experience God or higher levels of existence!. Believing is creating a concept with imagination and then 'believing' it is right, without making an effort in the now to understand or experience the reality around us!.

Not everyone is like this, just 99!.9% of usWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that Spinoza felt that God is all the energy and matter in the universe, though he did not express it like that!.

A lot of people feel that envisioning God in this way is tantamount to atheism!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that the unexplained often gets attached to god and later when we discover what it or how the matter in question works its no longer a mystery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Totally, anything is possible!. Impossible is nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like that way of thinking!. If that is true then what about Jesus!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com