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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do weird coincidences happen in life?

Question: Why do weird coincidences happen in life!?
Here are some real life examples from my own life!.

A few years ago I was applying for this sales job but walked away in the middle of training because I didn't feel that they were honest with us!. A day or two later, I go to Wal-mart and run into this guy that I had trained with told me how it was horrible and how he was looking for something else!. Clearly I made the right decision by walking away from it!.

Last year I bumped into this girl at my job and she recognized me, we were in 8th grade and went to the same middle school!.

One time one of the managers was having some issues at our store, but luckily the assistant manager just walked in with her husband and was able to help them out even though she was off the clock, lol!.

That's just sorta freaky!. lol!. Not saying anything about it is mystical, but I'm just saying its just weird!. Anyone have any weird coincidences happen!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It all has to do with serendipity, that simple!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, like, weird stuff just happens, and the more you think about it, the more you think it's happening!. Right now I can only think that this one day about 2-3 years ago I had a dream (not really specific, though) that I'd meet my best friend and stuff somewhere warm and I'd be happy although I'd have struggles!. And it actually happened when I moved to California, and when I had the dream we weren't even moving here!.!.!.
Freaky stuff happens and I like to think about it!.!.!. lol that's just creepy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is what ive learned!.
there are no COINCIDENCES in life!.
they are things to co-incide with eachother!.

yah i have a coincide for yah!.
i went to theater camp last year and met a boy names matt; ew became best friends but it sucked cause he lived in oklahoma and i live in hawaii, so afyer we said our good byes he bought his ticket to come over and stay with an uncle of his, and us as well!. Turns out his uncle is one of my teachers! Completley made me cry :]Www@QuestionHome@Com