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Question: Sociology question!?!?Anyone can explain!?
What you believe to be the most important aspect of Durkheim's theory of religion to our understanding of the role of religion in society !.Give some reasons why you think it is an important point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, Durkheim is best known to surround the Structural Functionalist Approach!. This approach basically looks at how society runs as a whole!. Think of this theory like the body!.!.!. you need all the parts to run properly in order for the entire being/society to also function correctly!.

Durkheim basically looked for the positive aspects of any situation!. For example, he may look at the divisions due to race as a necessity!.!.!. seeing these divisions as a normal part of life!.!. implemented simply because it is supposed to be this way!. Furthermore, Durkheim wanted peace, togetherness, and unity!.!.!.

With these points in mind!.!. Durkeim would totally support religion, for it creates ONE unifying set of beliefs, that everyone will follow!. This is exactly what Durkheim wanted!.!. he wanted everyone to act and think in the same way so that there was no controversy!. Furthermore, religion gives individuals guideline on how to act!.!. this also illustrates to a society the deviant ways to act!.!.!. outlining acceptable and not acceptable ways!.!. that everyone will follow!.

Basically, religion acts as a way to set guidelines, provide inidividuals with information on WHAT to believe!.!.!. and creates a unifying set of rules and regulations that cause a society to act as one unit!.!. where everyone thinks, speaks, and acts in the same way!. When this occurs, deviance is eliminated and society will run more smootly!.!.

This is just a brief summary!.!. maybe look online!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To tell the truth I have never heard of Durkheim's theory but I will give my own take on it!.

The role of religion in relation to both structures of oppression and struggles of liberation constitutes the main focus of our work in Religion and Society!. We study the role of religion in the personal, socio-political, spiritual, and ecological dimensions of those structure and struggles!. We also include the intersection of religion and the human sciences!. The strengths of this program are found in the variety of graduate students it gathers from every continent on the globe as well as the United States, who come from differing racial/ethnic/sexual groups, together with the diversity of interests, involvements, and expertise of its faculty!. The faculty is diverse in academic training, coming from the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, theology, religious education, and ethics!. Yet they share a focus on issues of race/ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality!. They are united in their belief that theory should respond to human experience and that academic scholarship must address contemporary issues!.Www@QuestionHome@Com