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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is scientific development the only evidence of human intelligence?

Question: Is scientific development the only evidence of human intelligence!?
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Great question!!

The true evidence of our intelligence, in my own view, is the competitive survival and prosperity of our species despite inherent deficiencies in our senses and physical capabilities compared to other species such as sight, hearing, smell, running speed, swimming etc!.!.!.!.!.!. and more so because we do manage to have the first priority use of all natural resources both in their original form as well as in more suitably modified forms!.!.!.!. in other words, the fact that we are physically inferior in many respects and yet are the undisputed rulers of this planet earth is the key clinching evidence of our superior intelligence!.!.!.!.!.!. scientific development is of course an important enabler of that total dominance!.

In a philosophical sense, the greatest proof of our far superior intelligence is the thought, concern and endeavor we do put in to protect other species from extinction!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. a clinching proof of how our superior intelligence has led to a higher order of wisdom and farsightedness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I do not agree with the others, that art can be considered a sign of intellegence, it's already been proven a complete moron can paint what the so-called "geniuses" of art can paint!. Same almost applys with music, except more things are involved besides inspiration!.

Scientific developments just prove we aren't intelligent, considering we are still needing development!. We won't be offically "intelligence" until we are all either dead or off this planet, because bordom!.

It isn't the only sign, if you call it a sign at all, the list goes on and on!. Thats why I!.Q!. tests are so off, they only measure specific skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Human intelligence cannot be proven through scientific wisdom!. We all learn, we all grow!. Mind you, science can also be wrong!.

The true nature of and proof of human intelligence lies on never being contented, of always wanting more, of seeking answers, never stopping when you already had one but rather, asking another question through a given answer that goes on and on!. That, is the real evidence of human intelligence!. Never settling to something give, always finding ways to improve and develop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely not!.

There are many sorts of intelligence:

Logical intelligence (ie the scientific kind)
Social / emotional intelligence
and probably many more which I can't think of because I'm not an expert!.

(Regarding social intelligence, some scientists these days think that's the reason intelligence evolved in us - to be able to better function in social environments, it helps to have a "model" of how you expect others in the group to behave - this modelling, an anticipation of how others will react, evolved into the more general intelligence we have today!.)

A more basic, general piece of evidence for human intelligence is our ability to think in abstract concepts - other animals are able to think only in terms of what's in their experience or immediate surroundings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're telling me that there is evidence!!!

I would really like to see it!!

SORRY I couldn't resist that!.

However here we do have a little problem, first we must all agree on what intelligence is!
If we take the following as it's meaning ("faculty of understanding," from O!.Fr!. intelligence (12c!.), from L!. intelligentia "understanding," from intelligentem (nom!. intelligens) "discerning," prp!. of intelligere "to understand, comprehend," from inter- "between" + legere "choose, pick out, read" (see lecture)!. Meaning superior understanding, sagacity" is from c!.1430!. Sense of "information, news" first recorded c!.1450, especially "secret information from spies" (1587)!. Intelligent is a 1509 back-formation; Intelligentsia "the intellectual class collectively" is 1907, from Rus!. intelligyentsia, from Latin!.)

The very fact that we are communicating, which involves comprehending, should be by it's self enough proof!

So there the answer to your question is in fact no, there is plenty of other evidence, I have given just one!.

JUST A NOTE for 'Silke' what you are in fact talking about when you say "the sum of human intelligence, is in fact not intelligence, but extelligence (or amassed knowledge)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Excellent insight!. However, we're the only self-aware species as far as we can tell, and our capacity to modify our environment is unparalleled (allowing many humans to survive illnesses and birth defects that would otherwise be lethal)!. And finally, our ideas about causation and meaning (however primitive they might be) have made us the only species to ponder such questions as, "how did they universe start!?"

So, I for one do think we're in control of ourselves and our planet to a degree that no other species can match for now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientific development is one of the contributing factors that shows the human race is progressing, before science as a subject was conceived, philosophy was the only subject and that was just talking and writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Human society has a whole is more intelligent than the sum of the parts, and our social structure allows us to accumulate knowledge over centuries!. Individuals are then conditioned by the society they live in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you only need to walk into your local art gallery to see evidence of human intelligence devoid of any scientific development!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about art, music, literature, philosophy, and languageWww@QuestionHome@Com