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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we find certain things better than certain other things?

Question: Why do we find certain things better than certain other things!?
This is simple as that!. It is all too obvious that certain things have to be better than certain the rest, can I not realise this simple fact!? Yes, I can, but why, is the question that I find one of the most challenging and yet answerable questions, unlike big unanswerable questions!.

Thanks for your kind and gracious thoughts!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is tragically sad and with malicious intent that we are administered with love wisdom and peace in vials of vial vitriol!.!.!.

For this reason, an infidel world, infidel governments and man untrue to his own higher nature we rarely find solace in consolation and love, for the predators thereof seek to overcome, conquer and possess the same for the furtherment of their intents and wiles!.

It is not truth!. Simply a sign of these ignorant, spiritually darkened and maligned times!.

With Single mindedness, focus upon love peace and truth will gain you the intellectual, spiritual and emotional liberty essential to live, rather than exist battling against prevailing elements!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we all liked the exact same things we would not be individuals!. Which would take away one of the most important things that makes humanity so unique!. The Why is of course your question, and it really made me think!. The idea of Einsteins that it's all relative is great!.!.!. but that doesn't really answer the question does it!? That statement was more about how time exists differently depending on different situations!. I believe it was an argument regarding time travel actually!. (Maybe not)

I think that nature has made humans flexible!. We're not dependent on things always being the same!. Where as some birds can only live in certain types of trees at certain temperatures!. We are just not built that way!. If we were, our existence would be much more limited!. Our ability to adapt would be taken away, and we probably wouldn't be as big of a populace as we are now!.

To prove this cause only Theory of Relativity came!. The person is Relating his facts with many other facts so that he is judging some things as good and other as bad!. An example given by Einstein to a college girl is a s follows:
"I am sitting with you!. You are a beautiful girl!. If i speak with you for one hour also it is like 5 minutes because i am fond of you!. But if i am sitting in a burning stove 5 minutes would be like one hour because i don't like it!. This is theory of relativity!. That is why you think like this!.Am i correct!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

prejudice and ideas about taste - how things ought to be -self imposed standards of what is classy - For instance there never were so any self confessed abba fans first time around - it wasn't cool wasn't okay to like them now they are 'retro'
and taken up by the gay movement they are more in than ever!. I never used to like olives but always ahd one juts to see if I still disliked them then one day I really loved them!. I don't know why just something changes!.

Weirdest thing is how chav has become super cool!.

I think the reason why is that everything is hyped or not and then filters down into choices

Or like a local band you really rate and support and then they make it and become trash but i don't really believe that - I think its what you give out to - You put something of yourself out into certain things and not in others you meet it halfway and then you fall out of love and pull away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personal preference, which evolves from our individuality!. Our individuality is distinguished through our own personal perception (our interpretation of life!.) Our perception is shaped by our temperment- (the biological factor; NATURE) and the sum of all of our experiences and our specific reactions to them- (our character; NURTURE!.) So, we are defined by our individuality, perception, temperment, and character, and we decide (based on those factors) that certain things are better than other things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No two people would disagree about the fact that tastes differ, From this perspective i would like to insert my own opinion to your question!. Surely, humankind by nature have this ability to judge about the beautiful and the ugly things!. If we like something we have this make believe that it is beautiful and good, and well accepted, By contrast, If we don't like something it sounds to us that it is very ugly and unaccepted, It just depend on our making believe about itWww@QuestionHome@Com


personal preference,

one mans rubbish is another mans treasure!?Www@QuestionHome@Com