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Question: Question for genuinely happy people!?
What is your secret to enjoying genuine happiness and contentment while your situation is something way less than wonderful!. I do not mean pleasures and indulgences!.

If you are not genuinely happy, you obviously have no cradentials for answering this question!.

I have observed people who love life and are niticeably happy, but have no shortage of life's perplexities at the same time!. I hope some of them see this questin and are willing to share their secret!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i am a genuinely happy person!
the secret is to watch lots and lots of preschooler tv and no grown up stuff! (well, it does help develop that outlook)
I wonder if it is necessary to suffer a great deal of hardship to be able to really appreciate life, as our perception seems to be relative!.
I just accept that life will have problems and challenges, and know they will be temporary - smile at everybody you see, look for beauty in the clouds, a rock, a child's face, get all you can from the small pleasures, for they too are fleeting!.
honestly i think the secret to happiness is to be happy, as unhelpful as it sounds!. i was not always happy, life has been hard, but i have learned this simple truth - it is not the environment that has the ultimate say over how you feel, it is really up to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say I'm happy at the moment, but overall I'm content!.

My secret is knowing that life is not perfect, but you have to keep going!. There are hurdles!. You can kick them out of the way or just jump over!.

You see, my life is far from perfect!. My fiance` has numerous, serious health problems!. My sister could very possibly die from a rare and serious lung disease!. My mother disowned me because she's an alcoholic and she didn't like me telling her so!. I get screamed at for my job(customer service for cable, you can imagine)!. But I smile and love every minute of it!.

Part of my contentment comes from prayer and a profound relationship with God!. It also comes from being completely honest, even when it hurts!. I try to help people as much as humanly possible, which can feel pretty good sometimes too!.

The majority of contentment is knowing that bad things will happen in life, but you have to deal with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am genuinely happy!. I have had my share of struggles, but I chose to learn and grow from them as opposed to let them consume me!. True happiness is not something you can acheive without a conscious effort to look for the good in everthing and everyone!. Once you start learning that even death is a positive reflection of life, things begin to change in the way you view all things!. Life is the same for everyone, from the richest to the poorest, healthy, sick!.!.!.!.!.We are all alive!. To live and be thankful for that is one of the things that once I learned, I felt my happiness grow!. Look for it, you will find it if it is truly what you desire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was told by a self-made millionaire and genuinely happy person that the key to happiness is ''being in control of your life!.'' This means different things to different people!.!.!. to me personally, it means that I have somethings I need to do!.!.!.!.like a ''to do'' list, and after I finish it, I will be (more) in control of my life!. For instance, I am loosing weight, getting my Realtors license, and finishing college!. The process of doing this is fun and exciting, and I know I am going to finish these things because I will definately be happy when I am finished(and you are happy while doing it too)!.
Just remember that "happiness comes from being in control of YOUR life)!.
When you can do that, and remember that you can not control other people of certain things that happen to you/them(death, disease) then you will find true happiness!.

Good luck, and take control of your life by putting check marks on your ''to do'' list!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe in the term genuinely happy or unhappy!.
If one is genuinely happy at the moment he is ignorant of unhappiness and factors that may cause unhappiness!. One who is unhappy at this time is ignorant of the factors which may bring happiness!. So you should be able to know that both happiness and unhappiness do exist!.
Once you become aware of these facts, you become contented with what you own at the present time, and this is what brings you realively normal and easy life!.
Where does unhappiness come from!. If you are happy today and you are told by a doctor that you are suffering from some serious disease and may fall ill and handicapped long before your death!. will you become unhappy!? Yes you should!. But if you accept that this can happenj to me as it happens in life, you should become contented and even happy with your disease!. This is a hypothesis!. Will it work!? It depends upon the effect on your thinking processes by the disease itself, complexed chemical imbalance that may occur because of the disease!. So in my opinion!. true happiness does'nt exist!. You should be happy till you are able to analyze your ideas about any event of life, may be positively or negatively!. If you are able to analyze, you are happy, once it goes beyond your control, then, there is no need t worry about itn as you become insane or unconscious!.
Live a life, therefore, anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I must add my opinion:

1!. To be genuinely happy a person must enjoy a clear conscience!. This means different things to different people!. For example, a Christian who is living in adultery does not have a clear conscience, so genuine happiness is out of their reach!.

2!. Affluence has nothing to do with genuine happiness!. This fact is validated by suicide statistics!.

3!. No person can be genuinely happy 100% of the time!.

4!. To be genuinely happy requires making the decision to be!. It is not based in any way on our circumstances!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Enjoying today is how I stay happy!. No, it's not always easy to not worry about the future or regret things in the past, but it seems to always be the simple things that make us the happiest!. A smile from a baby, a cake that turns out not lopsided, a flower blooming in the backyard!. So take things as they come and deal with problems one at a time!. I'm sure you've gotten thru some hard times in your past so let that tell you can get thru hard times now and in the future as well!. Just remember - in the great scheme of things what is one late gas bill really gonna matter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

its actually very simple!. we shouldnt be here!. and even better, we shouldnt be able to understand that we shouldnt be here!. but we do know!. and that knowledge gives me happiness beyond measure!. its a gift just to be able to walk on the ground and breathe the air!. society and all the pains and woes that comes with that means nothing to me!. i dont feel financial burden!. i dont worry about jobs and a future cause all of it means nothing in the greater scope of life!. im here to be alive and as long as i get the pleasure of that ill never be unhappy!. and beautiful women!. they make me extra extra happy lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is all in your attitude!. You choose to be happy!. Being unhappy doesn't solve your problems, it just means you are unhappy!. Being happy doesn't mean you don't have problems, you just don't let them rule your life!. Always look on the bright side!. Appreciate what you have that is good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool and enjoy every moment of life it will make you happiest person in the world!. Don't blame others which make not only you happy but others too and in turn which makes them be affectionate to you which in turn makes you happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have to understand that everything has its good and bad, important is to see more good than bad, to enjoy every second, every simple but nice thing in your life!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
to give just for giving, just for making someone's day a little nicer, to show your love, to do it with all your heart!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

happiness is overrated and is a dead end priority!. it is low on the grand scale, but high on the human scale!. set your sights a little higher my friend!.
happiness is like buying tickets to a outdoor concert but stopping in the parking lot to listen because you thought you are thereWww@QuestionHome@Com

Enjoy the small things in life ( like a nice sunset, if someone opens a door for you or if your child draws you a nice picture etc), and take life day by day!. Don't worry about the future, all you have is today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Remembering that I am blessed as a healthy individual in the 21st century, in the land of milk and honey (USA)!. I have my whole life ahead of me, and I have lots of people who sincerely care about me!. I can do anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could you be happy in school!? Could you!? answer me that happy one!.!.!. but yeah im happy as you know who!.!.!.and it is just cause i am you shouldnt need things to be happy about just think happy and be happy thats the keyWww@QuestionHome@Com

It all has to do with being content with who you are inside!. When you reach this state, everything else falls into place!. At least it did for me!. I just don't see the drama in anything anymore!. Its a great feeling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What works for me is knowing that things are just what IS!.!.!.!.!. I try to keep a good heart and not take everything to heart !. all people have trials and tribulations it's all about making memories for me, it just worksWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that anything bad that happens you can survive!. I am happy surviving and everything else I achieve is a bonus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

their is no answer to acheiveing total happiness!.!.!.!.
i find looking at things postively and treating everyday like your last!.!.!.!.
aprreciate people around you and the world!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think say over and over!.!.!. "things could always be worse"

I really believe if everyone in the world put all their problems and issues in a pile!.!.!. we would all grab ours back!

idk it just makes me happy!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just being alive is enough, don't sweat the small stuff and most of the big stuff isn't that big!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy HappyWww@QuestionHome@Com

gratitude, simplicity and letting goWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm just thrilled to be involved :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

happy people suck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

are you happy like me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com