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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are people in this world so cold-hearted & cruel? Why does no one care about

Question: Why are people in this world so cold-hearted & cruel!? Why does no one care about your feelings being hurt!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's plenty of reasons why mean people are mean, different reasons for different people!. Most of them are mean because they are hurting, so they hurt others!. Don't let them get you down!. They can't hurt your feelings if you don't allow them to!.

It may sound silly, but it's true: 'smile, and you'll feel like smiling!.' I like to smile, it makes me feel better, and I like to smile at people!. Those who don't smile back just make me smile more, because I'm glad I'm not like them!. Those who do smile back, it makes the world feel like a friendlier place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you're being a tad naieve m'dear if you truly believe everybody is, or should be, like you!.
The trick in life is to recognize that the world does not operate like you and be wise in your dealings with others!.

Not a lot of people give a crap about you or your feelings!. Your feelings are yours and yours alone!. A lot of folks are kind and tolerant in their ways, a lot aren't at all!. That's truth, that's reality!. There is no why, there is just acceptance !. !. !. !. With acceptance comes wisdom!. And wisdom hurts!. You're not in some paradise, this is earth 101!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, all I can say is, Today is the 21st century, and it seems to be the way of the world, Greed, (PROFIT, HOW MUCH MONEY CAN I MAKE+HOW FAST CAN I MAKE IT), Selfishness, (I I I I, ME ME ME ME, MINE MINE MINE MINE, WANT WANT WANT WANT, NOW NOW NOW NOW), and who cares, (all I hear now is " I DON'T CARE, I DON'T CARE +I DON'T CARE), where before about 1990, you just didn't hear that, much, if at all!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people can't see past themselves, even though they have a good life!.

Some people were never taught how to be a good person, because their parents continued the cycle of abuse passed down from their parents!.

Some people have so much wrong with them physically, they can't spare a brainwave for any thought outside their personal bubble!.

It's hard to say, but I know one thing: that doesn't mean we have to be that way too!. Be the change in the world that you want to see!.


because many people in this world are inconsiderate arsholes, who dont care about anybody but themselves and there prada bag!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sweetie,you have to realize that there are mean people out there!!forget about them,babe!.!.there are good people out there,too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fortunatly not everyone is mean spirited!. I try to be nice because what goes around comes around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Welcome to the 21st century!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk what you are talking about,no1 hates me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aww what happened!?
And I don't know!. I can't understand people like that!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com