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Position:Home>Philosophy> This isnt meant to be offenisive im just corious..?

Question: This isnt meant to be offenisive im just corious!.!.!?
what do you think blind people see in thier sleep!?
all black or what they think stuff looks like!?

sorry if its offending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As Norman77 has previously answered:

Yes, blind people do dream!. What they see in their dreams depends on how much they could ever see!. If someone has been totally blind since birth, they only have auditory dreams!. If someone has had a measure of sight, then that person dreams with that measure of sight!. Those individuials who have had some sight before they went blind can dream as though they can see, colors included!.

IN all fairness, one should first look at what a dream is!.!. really!.!. this must be understood before the question could be fully answered!. The word "dream" has four interrelated meanings that follow one from another!. When we put them altogether, we know what a dream is!.

First, a "dream" is a form of thinking that occurs when (a) there is a certain, as yet undetermined, minimal level of brain activation, and (b) external stimuli are blocked from entry into the mind, and (c) the system we call the "self system" (the "I," the "me") is shut down!.

Second, a "dream" is something we "experience" because the thinking is very real and makes use of our senses -- especially seeing and hearing; because usually we are the main actor; and because a dream is sometimes very emotional (but not always)!.

Third, a "dream" is what we remember in the morning, so it is "a memory" of the dreaming experience!.

Fourth, a "dream" can also mean the spoken or written "report" we give to others about that experience, which is the only way anyone else can ever know about another person's dreams (because they can't be seen by others or told about by us while they are happening)!.

SO!.!.!.!.in summation (keeping in mind what dreams are),

There are no visual images in the dreams of those born without any ability to experience visual imagery in waking life!.

Individuals who become blind before the age of five seldom experience visual imagery in their dreams, there has been reports some visual imagery in six schoolchildren who lost their sight before age five!.

Those who become sightless between the ages of five and seven may or may not retain some visual imagery!.

Most people who lost their vision after age seven continue to experience at least some visual imagery, although its frequency and clarity often fade with time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I beleive that they have and see the dreams just as everyone else does!. Just because you're blind it doesn't mean you can't have dreams in your sleep and see them because it's all in the mind!.

I don't find this question to be offending at all, because if you were born blind you would have alot of questions for those that are not blind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As someone else mentioned, people who have never seen do not have visual elements in their dreams!. They dream just as they experience life - through sound, tactile sensations, positions, and so on!.

One woman who lost her vision as a child reported that in her dreams he mother always had the face that she remembered her having back then, even though it was decades ago!. Other people whose faces she'd never seen sometimes had made-up ones and sometimes just had a blur where their face should have been!. Just one example!.

Many blind people have different experiences, just as many sighted people have very different dreams in nature, intensity, and so on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a fine question, not offensive!. But I'd say you'll have to ask some blind people and they prob are not on here cause you have to be able to see to read the puter - but I'd figure out where you could ask them!. They know they're blind, they won't be offended, probably appreciate that someone thinks enough of them to ask!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find it interesting you did not say dream!.!.!. Most of the blind people I have talked with over the years about their dreams have shared a world where sound becomes a radar, not unlike the movie "Dare Devil", and where there is no pity or remorse!.



The topic of your question is not offensive!. The way you express it is mundane!. Ask outright!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea im curious too!. sometimes i wonder what people with down syndrome have in their minds!. maybe its something beyond human imagination & will make anyone imagine it go nuts!. who knows!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats a very good question I would link they have dreams depending on if they have ever seen before or notWww@QuestionHome@Com