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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is Ethics grouped together with Law on Y!A?

Question: Why is Ethics grouped together with Law on Y!A!?
I always considered ethics to be a branch in philosophy, and transcends that of the application of a legal system!. We are faced with ethical dilemmas everyday, whether socially or in research!. Reading the questions in the "Law & Ethics" section, the vast majority refer to legal questions and few are only peripherally related to Ethics!. What are your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
they shouldnt be in the same section because the laws are just a set of rules everyone has to follow them (nothing ethical about it)

and the ethics are based on what you think is right or wrong so you would be inclined to base your decision on that not what is legally right or notWww@QuestionHome@Com

Laws base on Ethics are more just and fair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com