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Position:Home>Philosophy> Austrian guy?

Question: Austrian guy!?
2 things, First, for the last 24 years of your life there has been a girl locked up in a cellar and you didnt know!. There are thousands of people in europe like this!. Stop critising the austrians!. One dude was like this man, the man like this 8 years ago and hitler sooooo WHAT!?!?!? Autria is a great place!. There police is obviosuly better so they fing these people!. MAdy McCann got kidnapped by a stranger/ parents!. There are evil people all over the world!.

2) WHat exactly happened!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) Nobody I know is stereotyping Austrians over one crazy guy!. That'd be like suggesting all Americans are school shooters, or rape, kill, and attempt to eat little children!.
2) Dude locked his daughter in his basement and used her as a sex slave for 24 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

one realy creappy dude does not say the rest of them were like that or he wouldnot have been found in the first place
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