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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the underlying problem of all of us questioning and answering in philoso

Question: What is the underlying problem of all of us questioning and answering in philosophy !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you get a lot of noise and prattle and a few nuggets of insight in the typical thread!. You have to decide if its worth it or not!.

The problem with yahoo answers might be similar to a lot of other problems we perceive in many parts of modern life!. The rate of growth in information and the speed of access to information is so fast that our formerly durable social constructs and institutions have to morph very quickly!. Part of the problem with instant world wide interaction is that we have to develop a common understanding of intent, purpose, and negotiate the terms and conditions under which we will expend effort for each other's benefit!.

Clearly on yahoo answers, some people are venting, some ranting, some killing time, some actually seeking useful information, some showing off, some getting other people to do their homework, etc!.

Eventually, we'll sort ourselves out a bit more and figure out how to interact more constructively!. And by then, there will be new frontiers for all of the needs that many people feel are distracting from the potential of a sincere question and answer system like this!.

So I would expect this site to change, and to suit any one person's needs the best for a period of time, and then become too much or too little of what they don't or do like, and then they will move on!. It will be staggered, and if a core set of features, and a community find it to be of ongoing value, it will live for a while!. And eventually be supplanted by something better!.

We will learn to adopt new methods of interaction at a faster pace, and we'll all be the better for it!. I think!. Maybe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's pointless!. There's no discourse, no thread of dialogue - only questions and answers!.
You can ask a specific question about philosophy here but as 95% of the audience thinks that asking a philosophical sounding question is philosophy, your question will be buried by questions like "hay guise wats da meening of life!?"

also, the questions are unclear and often illogical!. Nobody defines their terms and there is often little to nothing to think about!. Like this one for example, you have an interesting title but where are your postulations or topics for debate!? Which way is it supposed to be interpreted!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no problem the way I see it!. Philosophy is about asking questions and trying to get ideas about them and trying to figure them out!. Only problem is, you cannot really have a discussion on here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Underlying Problem!? Did you mean that!? Or the "intention" indeed!? In fact, who truly comes here are to know something or to gather knowledge, I think!. Pls do not take it as problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More like a variety of opinions -- heavy with after tastes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lack of grounding in the science!. But that does not apply to all, only to most!.Www@QuestionHome@Com