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Position:Home>Philosophy> Even if God doesn't exist (god's syndrome), whats wrong in believing God

Question: Even if God doesn't exist (god's syndrome), whats wrong in believing God about what we don't understand
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I always tell people if they can explain to me what salt tastes like, i will explain to them how I know God exists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It isn't true that belief in God makes people act more humanely!. If anything, the opposite is true!. Belief in God implies that you believe in Right vs!. Wrong!. And anyone who is not Right is Wrong!. Punishments for being Wrong vary depending on which version of God is under discussion!. History is filled with people acting very inhumanely in the name of God towards people who are perceived as being Wrong!. Many of these practices and mindsets persist to this day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religion can be good or bad!.

If people are using it as an outlet, as a source of security and well being, and are inspired by that religion to be a getter person, than I am completely fine with them believeing whatever it is they want too, even if it is ignorant!.

But alot of aspects of religion are based of our fear, prejudice, and assumptions!. And attending church weekly and saying your a follower of God and his word or whatever, does not necessarily make you a good person!. In any sense!. If you are forcing religion on others, or excluding certain people because of their beliefs, or sexualtiy, or culture, than you aren't a good person!. Its that simple!.

Ignorance isn't bliss!. It isn't!. And personally, I have more respect for those who question and make their own decsions than those who follow blindly!. God is convenient to some!. They believe because its simple and what they've been told!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Perhaps that belief in God will make you worse, or less of a person (i!.e!. the Spanish Inquisition acted in God's name, as does the KKK)
2!. Attributing a cause to God will lead you away from seeking the true cause (i!.e!. Diseases once thought inevitable due to God's will are now cured with antibiotics, sun revolves around the Earth, etc!.)
3!. Using God as a default to ignorance is a slippery slope!. Do you now also accept the tooth fairy or ghosts to explain other phenomenon that you don't understand!?
4!. Which god!? Your question sounds less plausible if you suggest that we believe in Thor or Zeus for questions we don't understand (who are far better documented and have more historic eye witness accounts)!. Why is God more credible!?
5!. Which tennant of God do you choose to believe!. There are biblical passages where God instructs you to stone non-beleivers!. Do you not see this as wrong!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lao Tzu said that the value of a cup is in its emptiness!. If one fills his cup with urine and his mind with false data, there is no room for wine in the cup or correct information in his mind!. Beliefs in gods are stubborn and cause one to accept much nonsense and reject much truth!. I say the truth however unpleasant one finds it to be is always preferable to delusions however pleasant one finds them to be!. The superior man does not allow emotions and feelings to rule him and seeks the truth in everything!. Put aside childish delusions, e!.g!. beliefs in gods, if you are to be wise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humanly !?
Obviously you have no idea what is the relationship between God and genocide!.

Have some history lesson here

believing in god doesnot mean that u should take easy way and not use ur mind, on the contrary u must think and search for truth but who told u that searching for truth will conflict in believing in god, u should think also how could it be that the universe is so accurate in everything that the earth has a certain angle of inclination that is the most perfect for life to exist on it also the distance from sun is best distance for nourishe of life , how did all of this exist could only be nature something with no brains made all that by accident, i dont think so , so actually by reseaching and science u will end in the belief of the existence of a creatorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Think about peoples beliefs in god and whats supposed to be real and look up the word truth in the dictionary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Always look for truth!. God does not exist but is an state of being which we can aspire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com