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Position:Home>Philosophy> Moral dilemma.. would you?

Question: Moral dilemma!.!. would you!?
IF you were told that you could have a pay rise in work for doing nothing extra or different BUT in order to do so, a colleague would have to have a pay cut would you want the rise!? (The colleague wouldn't know they'd taken a pay cut so that you could have a rise!.!.!. they just assume everyone's had a pay cut)!. Would you want the pay rise!? Would you be able to take the extra money and still work along side your colleague and look them in the eye!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
naw, couldn't do that!.!.!.have too big of a heart, u know!?
!.!.and then i always try to picture myself in others' shoes!. Would I really want them to do that to me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find it difficult to believe that the colleague who was given a pay cut would not find out that he/she was the only one to have a one!.

They would undoubtedly want to know from management why and would probably tell other staff members that his/her pay had been cut!. I am sure they would soon find out that they were the only one to have their pay reduced!.

In regard to the moral issue of whether you should accept a pay rise at the expense of another colleague, personally I would not accept it if it meant another colleagues pay would be reduced!.


Moral is something divine - what your mind says , you may feel alright according to your convinience and intellect - but if your instinct won't permit, it is not worth to follow or accept , and that is what is divine!. Here , Obviously, you did something different which worth appreciable compared to others , that is why you have been considered for pay rise!. Where as the counterpart has given pay cut , so, naturally , he might have committed something folly which is not acceptable !?
So, make that person understand about his defficiency and convince him / her to fulfill his lacauna, return his pay cut recd by you as extra, and assure management to settle henceforth!.
This will be the win win situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the situation!. If, for example, I was being paid less than the co-worker for doing a job with the same skills and by cutting his pay and increasing mine we would both be being paid fairly then i feel that is ok!.

(this is similar to the case in the UK at the moment where female council staff have been routinely paid less than male counterparts and now the men are taking a pay cut to fund the womens pay rise)

If however we were both being paid fairly for our skills before and the pay rise is unjustifiable in terms of work/effort being put in then i would feel very uncomfertable with that and probably not take it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Other things being equal, sure!. If the boss values my work enough to give me a raise, that's entirely up to him!. As long as other things remain equal, ie, no improperness starts up, etc!.

As a matter of fact, it's not my decision at all and not even appropriate for me to try to have a say!. It's entirely the boss's decision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would still take the pay raise but with my increased pay I would do nice things for the colleague!. Money is money, it's what you do with it that really matters!. I would take it as an opportunity to grow the relationship with the colleague and they wouldn't even know!. hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

if it were me and I wasn't doing anything extra to deserve the pay rise, I would not take it considering someone would have to take a paycut!. Unfortunately, I would also wonder what the catch is for me, because nothing ever comes for nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the colleague!.!.!.!. I have worked with plenty of people that were lazy or incompetent or both and I would have happily taken money off them!. I wouldn't do it to people I respect or trust!.

My question would be: would you take a pay rise if the Managing Director/ CEO had to take a paycut! Hmmm!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would take the pay rise, hard decision but many people will go for it, is just the matter of later helping my colleague through difficult times, offer financial support or buy them a present, then slowly I would feel better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a major guilt complex so wouldn't be able to accept the pay rise at the expense of my colleague, but there's a part of me that wishes I would be able to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, i couldn't do that, it just wouldn't seem right!. if you had to take on more responsibility than them, of work longer or something like that then probably yes but otherwise no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No way, money isn't everything!.
I'd rather share in his skimping than feel guilty for depriving him&his family!. If until this point I had been able to survive on my current wage taking the rise would simply be greed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I wouldn't take the raise!. Just imagine if that co worker has a family!? I couldn't do it!. Money isn't everything in this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there was somebody nasty working alongside you, and you got to pick them for the paycut, then yes I certainly would!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I could!.
I know I would feel a little bad, especially if I knew them well enought to know if they had kids to support or debts to pay back, but id still do itWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I would not take money away from someone else, if I didn't deserve it!. If I really was a better worker than my co-worker, I'd have no problem with this scenario!.Www@QuestionHome@Com




I could not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I could not do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope, couldn't do that!. The guilt would kill me!.


My Pappy once told me "look after number one"Www@QuestionHome@Com