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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which will give you happiness ? and which will give you sad?

Question: Which will give you happiness !? and which will give you sad!?
happiness and sad will come one after another!.!.this is life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i'm happy when my loved ones are happy, i am sad when i have no control to help my loved ones feel happy!. this is quite a rollercoaster with 2 teenagers in the house!. but there are other things that help me feel happy!. a cat purring, good food in my stomach!. a smile from a stranger, a thank you that help me, best answer!.
sad things, the news on the tv, so much widespread apathy for the human condition!. so much desensitization as to what is shocking anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like to use abstract forms of art in my expressions of thought thus for this question i give the image of the " hour glass'!. what is inside my mind comes out looking larger than the pea sized shape if felt to be!. and what fills that space is larger than the shape it once was!. The two sides of a coin is also another one of my favorite expressions and this is my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Real friend's association gives me happy and lonely makes me sad!. Hence, i will be with friends and comes home seeing my parents doing their home works, brother on his work and i am left alone!. so, the happy and sad will come one after another!. this is my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we were always happy and content, we would have no appreciation for it all!. We need to be low and filled with that sadness sometimes to embrace the good when it comes!. It makes us grow as a person!. Very necessary!. And it comes down to how we handle it as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I've noticed this roller coaster ride, it gets pretty overwhelming at times!. Hope, despair, Happy, sad, Calm, anger!. Sometimes I think getting off and taking a breather might not be a bad idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com