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Position:Home>Philosophy> Any one done philosophy in university? What is it like?

Question: Any one done philosophy in university!? What is it like!?
im startin uni next year as a mature student(im 23) and am goin doing psychology music and media, i have another subject to choose and am thinking MAYBE philosophy!. I know there will be a lot of reading and pretty hard!.but is it interesting!?
i am a bit of a philosopher myself haha i do think about a wide range of things, when you did it did it give u a free reign to express ur own ideas or was it very structured around the philosophies of others!?
its actually psychology i plan to major in and will need to devote lots of time to that as u need very high marks to get into 2nd year!. so is it worth doing as a side subject, just for the first year!.
3 seconds ago - 3 days left to answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, it will depend on the university but for the most part I have found that well supported opinions are always welcomed!. Seminars are a great place to thrash out your ideas on topics and help you to develop great debating and reasoning skills which will stand you in good stead for your other subjects!. In essays you will most likely have to take your lead from other texts, but if you study one philosopher you will often find that the higher points are given to those who express their own views (even though, inevitably someone, somewhere, has said it before you!) as long as you can justify your interpretation or stance!.
It is quite time consuming, texts are often complex and include a lot of subtleties so they are impossible to 'skim' - I'd recommend always getting a good secondary text to help you understand any tricky points or irregularities within the text!.
As for interesting - what is more interesting than trying to answer some of the most perplexing questions mankind has faced!?

Good luck - hope you enjoy it as much as I did!Www@QuestionHome@Com