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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND just an ordinary human being like you and me?

Question: Is THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND just an ordinary human being like you and me!?
When she dies will the maggots bow first before her body just prior to their suculent feast!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, in fact she is just a Homosapien but I don't think you should let anyone know about it!. It's a TOP SECRET!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She is an ordinary human being in most ways, yet she has been one of the most conscientious, hard-working, stable and modest monarchs Britain has ever had, or ever will have again!. She smokes in bed, and although she could have any dish from any cuisine, she eats basic English grub!. Her taste in Literature, Films and the Theatre is decidedly middle-brow and unadventurous!. Her politics are, or course, conservative and conventionally simple!. Yet she has been a monarch for 55 years and never put a foot wrong, with the exception of her perceived coldness at the time of Princess Diana’s death!. She can speak perfect French, and yet never disports it!. She has put up with Prince Phillip and his adulterous past with grace and patience, while her sister and every one of her four children have all been involved in scandals and broken marriages!. She is not an intellectual, yet she is known for her thorough knowledge of all the affairs of Commonwealth countries, and her unfailing courtesy and kindness!. She might appear to be the very epitome of a narrow-minded, insular and snobbish English matron, and yet she is not out of her depth in the most exotic celebrations of her subjects in the Pacific and Africa!. I am an Australian, and support the move for Australia to become a Republic, and yet I admire and respect her as one of the consummate Heads of State of the last 100 years!. Like many of my country folk, I will wait until she abdicates or dies before pressing for a break with the monarchy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course she's like the rest of us; why wouldn't she be!?

I don't think the English ever regarded their royalty as divine or as anything other than humans!. There was a belief that monarchs derived their _authority_ from their god, but they themselves were still human!.

Now honestly, enough with your pointless anti-authoritarianism!. If you're going to be anti-authoritarian, give it a point!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!. I think you already knew that though!. I think we're all equal and no one deserves the privellege of someone bowing before them, because as soon as you let someone bow before you, you accept your superiority!.

We were all born the same, and we will all decompose in the same manner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no because the maggots dont know shes queen!. but we do and many people will bow on her death day!. shes no more human than anyone if thats the question but she isnt ordinary in the least bit!. shes lucky if ya ask me!. but so are alot of people!. but being queen is pretty ballin and you cant deny that!. so credit must be given when credit is due!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you just trying to quote shakespear!?

("A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm!." )Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Queen is an ordinary human being in body, but in spirit she bears the history of 942 years!.

There'll be no maggots!. She will be embalmed prior to interment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Her karma will poison the maggots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She is

and the maggots would not bowWww@QuestionHome@Com

when alive she isn't but in death you bet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com