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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you tell the difference between doubt and fear?

Question: How do you tell the difference between doubt and fear!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Doubt is when you see the negative side of something together with the positive side of something and wonder if it is the right thing to do!.

Fear is when you imagine the negative sides of something and postpone doing anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doubt is when you are not sure i!.e, wright or wrong, left or right!.
Fear is when you are terrified of the out come or the happening!. E!.g; afraid of the out come if the answer is wrong, what will the others think of me, my intelligence being checked by the others!. This happens mostly when you have got low self esteem or not familiar with the people or person you are dealing with!.
Fear in most cases is as a result of doubt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doubt is a condition that you are in!.
Do not know which way to go; What to do; or Who to trust;etc!.

Fear is an emotional response that may or may not be applicable to a doubt situation!.
Fear has the connotation of impending loss or threat of loss, or reminder of when you lost!.

Loss is pain!.

Hope this helps!.
May all your problems be small ones! ()Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doubt is not such a strong emotion as fear!. Doubt is just being a bit indecisive and "not sure" about something, whereas fear is quite frightening and can make you very anxious, your heart race and be scared of something entirely!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doubt is when you dont have faith in something or somebody while fear is a feeling of not wanting to do something because you dont want to take full responsibility of the consequenses(sp!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you have doubt, you ask questions!.

When you have fear, you don't dare to ask questions!.

That is the major difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doubt is when you are not certain of a situation!. Fear is when tou are affraid to make a choice because you know that no matter what you loose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doubt means u r not sure of that thing!.!.!.
Fear means u r sure of!.!.!.!.!.I suppose
Hope this helps!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you doubt your fears of doubt !?Www@QuestionHome@Com