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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is 'life element' not super natural ? How scientists can deny it ?

Question: Is 'life element' not super natural !? How scientists can deny it !?
Life is not matter!. It's that energy which can't be produced in a laboratory!. Every living cell has life in it!. Once a cell is dead, it's dead for ever!. So from where the life energy comes and why we are not able to detect it outside the body !? The day we are able to produce a living cell, we'll have life in our control!. Will it ever be possible !? Nothing is impossible!. The day we are able to discover life outside the body, we shall be able to contact super natural powers in the space!. Instead of talking about God and super natural, we should talk about life and decide about it!. It's such a big truth which we are seeing but have no answer to it!. What scientists have to say about it !? Let us reach God through natural scientific process!. We have to prove that God is not a myth but a hard reality that controls nature and our destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Life cannot be purely physical, because we have subjective experiences called 'qualia' which cannot be fully described in material terms!. You can look into a person's brain and discover that they are feeling pain, but you cannot feel their pain yourself!. The same applies to other experiences, e!.g!. of a particular colour!. Physical entities are 'public' (observable by anyone in the right place), but qualia are not!. They may be closely connected with physical processes, but they are not themselves physical!.

Of course, one can deny that other people's qualia really exist; but one cannot sensibly claim this about oneself (although I believe the philosopher Gilbert Ryle did - which I find crazy!)!. Therefore, from one's own experiences at least, one has to conclude that not everything is purely physical!.

It does not follow, however, that a non-physical entity (e!.g!. a soul or a 'life element') can exist on its own!. Descartes thought it could, but this view is now generally regarded as unscientific and untenable!.

Finally, the question of God!. I agree that nothing can come out of total nothingness, so something must have always existed!. But this does not prove that God exists - it might be something radically different, which may or may not be scientifically investigable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life comes from energy gradients under the right chemical and physical conditions!. It is not based on intent or a superagency's will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's the problem with scientific research or experiment!. If there exists a process through which life could be created or we have direct control of consciousness, wouldn't it be cruel and immoral to conduct that research or experiment!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

One cannot exist without the other (i!.e!. the physical as well as your so called "elan vital"), as far as we know!. So no, you cannot prove (or disprove) the existence of god!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

congratulations you just proved gods existenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

OK, that's enough of the grape kool-aid for you!.

Life IS matter!. Have you ever seen a non-material life form!?

Not all dead cells are dead forever!. Seeds can lay completely inactive for centuries before being reactivated with the right environmental conditions!. Some animals, like insects and frogs, can be frozen completely solid, then thawed out and re-animated!. (A number of insects do this naturally as part of their life cycle!.) Like a car engine, whether a cell can resume running again depends on how much damage it's taken and if it has any fuel!. Though unlike a car engine, many cells also have some degree of self-repair capability up to a point!.

You write, "The day we are able to produce a living cell, we'll have life in our control!. Will it ever be possible !? Nothing is impossible!." I agree, and there are scientists who are close to creating synthetic life using completely man-made genomes!. But science does not deal with the supernatural, only the natural!. And to date, science has not found a single component of life that can not be explained through completely natural processes; in fact, evidence of anything supernatural is completely lacking!.

Sorry, but the more we study life, the more we understand it to be a biomechanical phenomenon!. The workings of the cell are no longer a black box to us!. It is a highly complex series of chemical and electrochemical reactions, but purely physical nonetheless!.

Our understanding of the inner workings of life should be cause for celebration--a triumph over ignorance and a means by which we may improve both quality and quantity of life!. What a pity that there are still so many in the world who see it instead as a dire threat to the existence of their creation myths and deities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since God is supposed to be :
Eternal (without beginning,or ending)
Infinite (without limitations,can not be encompassed,or confined)
Immotral (was never born,and can not die)
Incorporeal (Spirit/Invisible/not material!.physical)
Omnipotent (All Powerful,the ONLY Power)
Omnipresent ( the ONLY Presence,there is nowhere that It is
Omnscient (All Knowing/the fount of ALL Knowledge)
and more,then it would be impossible to either prove,or
disprove Its existence,by any material agency!.However,there
is the fact that an Absolute Nothingness,is an impossibility -
because nothing could come out of,evolve,or manifest from
an Absolute Nothingnesss,or Non-Existence - then Something,whatever Its form,has ALWAYS EXISTED,and
would be without any process!Ponder that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the "life element" is "super" natural, then all things that are merely "natural" are not living!. All things living are then "un" natural!. So you are saying you are un-natural!. Or you are saying you are infuse with what is not natural!.

Do you know what "naturalism" is!? Here is a definition:
"Naturalism, challenging the cogency of the cosmological, teleological, and moral arguments,
>holds that the universe requires no supernatural cause and government,
>but is self-existent,
>and self-directing,
>that the world-process is not teleological and anthropocentric!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!."

When you say the "life element" must be super natural, you are using anthropocentrically defined ideas--the idea that if you, un-natural (since the "natural" is not infused with life,) as a life form, cannot create life from nothing, then life must be "super" natural!.

Naturalism says that life is as "natural" as gravity!. But according to you, gravity must also be "super" natural, because you cannot create it!. Oh and don't forget novas, and solar flares and the rings of saturn and time-warping--oh yeah, and time itself!.

ALL things are natural!. Life is part of nature, a part of existence!.
"Existence is a self-sufficient primary!. It is not a product of a supernatural dimension, or of anything else!. There is nothing antecedent to existence, nothing apart from it—and no alternative to it!. Existence exists—and only existence exists!. Its existence and its nature are irreducible and unalterable!."
Leonard Peikoff “The Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy,”
Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, 148Www@QuestionHome@Com