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Question: Sorry to be dumb =/!?
what is the difference between philosophy and pyschology!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To keep it all very simple lets look at the words!.

Philo : from the Greek!. to love
Sophy: Knowledge!.

Therefore to love knowing, so philosophy concerns all knowledge!.

Psyche: from the Greek for breath, life, and soul
logy; concerning a subject of study!.

Therefore Psychology is the study of the living soul, ie the mind and behaviour of the subject!.

also we must remember that psychology is a part of philosophy, but psychology is a specification of knowledge concerning only one area of philosophy!.

Clear now ;-))

ADDED don't worry about your question, it is in fact a very good question, as in fact when you think about it Philosophy which concerns knowledge is a thing of the mind and therefore is much more closely connected to psychology than most people would think, (that is if most people would only think!)!.

Pete M gave a very good answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

This for instance is highly philosophical of you to ask a question at the first place, but the way you have phrased your question is personal only to you alone, or the way you have posed the question could have specific psychological interpretations!. For example, you are apologetic, which the peculiarity of your personal behaviour, then may be it is due to your overwhelming courteous of asking or a trait of self- abnegation that made you declare so boldly ‘sorry to be dumb’!. It is clear here that someone else might have asked the same question quite differently!.

To ask, to investigate into the nature of things, and into their common relations, therefore is philosophical, but the way to ask or the method of asking, alongside the reason of asking, can always have psychological interpretations!.

Philosophy aims to search for the truth, the truth nature, of the existence of all things!. And in that, philosophical pursuit can lead a person to better understanding of life, the universe and everything in a world, and therefore to a better and happy life signifying wisdom and clear judgment of the mind!. The psychology on the other hand is the study of human behaviour alone!. It is the study of human behaviour in form of instinctive, intellectual, cognitive as well as social functions of the mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Psychology is a scientific study into how the mind works!. Philosophy is individual opinion of why the mind works, why we are here and what our purpose is in life!. There isnt a career in Philosophy, unless you want to teach it, there are a lot of careers in Psychology though!. Anyone can be a philosopher you dont have to study it, you just have to have to be thoughtful, peacful and have an open mind, great philosphers are generally older as theyve had most experience in lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Never be sorry to be ignorant!. For it is ignorance which enables you to discover knowledge and retains your innocence!.

Philosophy is the study of the mysteries of the universe, e!.g!. "what is the meaning of life", "can we be sure we're alive"!?

Psychology is the study of the human mind, e!.g!. "why do we act the way we do!?", "are we the victims of society or our own making!?"

It is interesting when the two cross over, e!.g!. "Is religion nothing more than a projection of our psychological need to be judged"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy - The rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics!. (the study of things we take for granted and if they are true, for example life)

Psychology - The science that deals with mental processes and behaviour!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Psychology gives insight by studying the intricacies within the human mind processes!.!.!.!.!.!. philosophy gives oversight by enquiring the grand mysteries behind our life and the universe and beyond!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

guess your philosophy is not as strong as your pyschology!.
The only dumb question is the one that never gets asked!.
If only people would ask before assuming!.!.!. or think before speaking or acting!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy's more about asking questions about the meaning of life, if there's a God, etc!.

Psychology's the study of the mind and brain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Psychology id the study of though processes and behaviour and philosophy is just a load of gibberish!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

You are forgiven!. Google it as it's quite a lengthy explanation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to put it very simply: study of theories of thought versus the way people think and actWww@QuestionHome@Com

u r such a dumb person indeedWww@QuestionHome@Com