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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does anyone else think that man in today's society is de-evolving?

Question: Does anyone else think that man in today's society is de-evolving!?
Going backwards in evolution of thought!.

It's just a high-level question!. Just wanted to know what you think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, but with greater potential!.

It is obvious that we are entering a new stage of evolution!. Never before has a species been so removed from the world around it, we no longer adapt to the environment around us instead we create our own!. We wear shoes instead of getting tougher feet, we build houses instead of growing more hair, yet we are adapting in the sense that we build better houses and create better things to direct us towards this comfort equilibrium!.
The question I am curious about is whether there is a optimum level of comfort we can reach and what happens once we get there!? What happens when our houses meet all of our needs!?

In direct conflict with this possible progression is our over indulgence in comforts, this causes a shift in balance that desensitizes us to abnormal situations!. Consider caffeine, caffeine is a powerful substance to a first time user, yet the average American is all but immune to its effects due to constant use!. This can apply all the way from the foods we eat to the commercials we see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On a high level response to your high level question I think man in today's society is turning into morally dissolving matter of consciousness into demoralizing deep thinking into acquiring the theory of evolution in a backward manner as opposed to the theory of extra existentialism of past eras and creationist's wonderment of man's existence!. Thank you for your deep question and you are wecome in advance for my wonderful response!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Civilizations rise and fall like the tides!. Ours may well be on the downswing now, though it's hard to say!. Looming scarcities of oil, water, and food (which is highly dependent on oil & food) may bring an end to this civilization by century's end, though it may just as well beotch-slap us into getting our act together as a species!.

There have ALWAYS been lots of ignoramuses, dumbasses and willfully-ignorant in society; don't think today's society is anything special!. Even Einstein remarked on the power of mediocre minds to oppose the intellectuals!. One of the great things about science, though, is that knowledge is cumulative!. In that respect, I think we are continuing to advance!.

If it seems like certain aspects of today's society are de-evolving, I think it's because there is a growing divide between the intellectual haves and have-nots (or between the haves and the "no thank you, I'll stick to my beliefs"), and the have-nots are a lot more visible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say yes!. things that are supposed to make life easier are also making us lazier!. The art of letter writing is becoming a thing of the past - now people just shoot off a quick e-mail!. (Okay in some situations but how about greeting cards you can actually hold and thank you notes that are handwritten!.) Anyone who still has a relationship with their grandparents or other elderly persons can understand all the social atrocities going on in our world today!. I am trying to raise 6 children with the same morals instilled in me and it is becoming increasingly difficult!. There is not support out there and despite the way I have raised them, my children want the easy way out!. Some of my children can't even find a # in the phone book! ( but they can find just about anything on the internet )
Problem solving skills are definitely lacking - it's as if putting forth the effort to actually think for themselves is just too much trouble - for the young people I know!.
I worry about the way our world is going!. On the upside, I am heartened to see more public attention about the way we are treating our planet and solutions being put out there by the media!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea but its been a long time comming not just recently!. and i wouldnt say its just thought, id say physically and emotionally aswell!. were becoming a very weak and almost embarrasing species!. but its ok cause most of us are stupid and will never notice whats really happening!. ignorance is bliss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, absolutely!. Even science shows no respect for the survival of the fittest!. It does everything in its power to ensure the survival and reproductive potential of the most unfit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a high level question!? lol

if you knew anything about evolution and "high level questions" you'd know that there is no such thing as de-evolving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. He can't even spell anymoreWww@QuestionHome@Com