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Position:Home>Philosophy> If our doubt leads us to certainties, then where do our certainties us lead to?

Question: If our doubt leads us to certainties, then where do our certainties us lead to!?
When we doubt we mean to seek truth, when we systematically cast doubt we investigate into the nature of things, into their relations, until we reach some certainty in our knowledge!. We reach a point where we could doubt no more!.

I think therefore I am!. or ‘Je pense donc je suis’ or ‘Ergo cogito sum’!. Rene Descartes speaks of one such with certainty to confirm the existence of an individualistic thinking self, a truth that by far is pivotal in the western thought!. But where do we go from here!?

My argument is that if I think bad I still am, but I am in the way of bad, or if I think good I am in the way of good, if I think erroneously there is not doubt I am in error!. However certain I might be that I am, I might never be certain if I am good or bad, right or wrong!.

Then my opening question comes to be - how do we proceed from one certainty and search for the next and possibly the ultimate for the purpose of our being!?

Thanks for your kind and gracious thoughts!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, that infamous 'certainty' Descartes had, was a grave logical mistake!.

He says: "I think, therefore I am!."

Logically, his premise is: "I think"
His conclusion from that premise is: "I am"

In philosophical terms: 'P' thinks - therefore 'P' exists
In logical terms: P has property F, therefore P

In his premise, Descartes is presuming that "I" exists already - when he says "I think" he is already assuming the existence of "I" - then he goes on to prove the existence of "I"!!!!

As many people have later noted, the correct premise is:

"There is thought!."

So, even the foundational Cartesian certainty, is doubtful!. Hume went further to claim that the "I" is an illusion - there is no self, or that the self is a bundle of senses - he stated that since we do not perceive a "self"/ I in Introspection, therefore the "self"/ I must be an illusion!.

But no worries - Hume was not totally correct!. See if you can prove the existence of the self on Hume's assumption that the self cannot be perceived - if you think hard, you'll get there - heck, even I did (and I'm terrible at this kind of stuff :) )

Many Thanks

PS!. Doubts > Certainties

then when there is nothing more to be certain about, we check 'relative truths' - by relative truths, I mean those truths that are apparent to us - such as the Earth is orbiting around the Sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my world - there is no ultimate truth, there is no supreme goal or series of co-ordinates to follow cleverly with our compass until we reach a predetermined meeting place!. There is only the truth of now - what we perceive and believe today's truth to be!. Tomorrow's truth, its certainty is just as valid!
The only reality, the only truth, the only certainty is the moment that we exist in - right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

PLATO introduced "doubt" into philosophy!. One tool he used was the allegory of The Cave!. When the escapee came back and tried to explain what he saw outside the cave, the prisoners did not believe him--because they had doubts!.

Who says "doubt leads us to certainties"!? We may "We reach a point where we could doubt no more," as you say, but in many cases it is only because it would be impossible to find further doubt when the doubt you already have is enough to convince you not to believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As Shakespeare said, "To be or not to be, that's the question!." The
answer is to become, which is still the process to be!. Now, taking this to doubts and certainties, to be certain or not to be certain, that's the question!. The answer is to doubt, which is still the process to be certain!. As long as we doubt and ask questions, the potential is in us to evolve!. Certainties are not important because they usually lead to the end!. Usually a dead-end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"cogito ergo sum" is a self evident statement!.!.!. much like 1 + 1 = 2!. It's subject and predicate are linked!. Once you move beyond the realm of these statements, doubt leaks in because of probability!. So, as long as you keep building with mathematical certainty, you should be ok!.!.!. ;)

isn't it cogito ergo sum!.!.!.!?

it's a cycle, my friend, and it never ends!. doubts lead to certainty which leads to more doubt which leads to more certainty etc etc etc etc!. it's ongoing!. it's what keeps us alive, it's the fuel that drives our existence!.

we proceed from one certainty to the next by being optimistic, thinking wisely, and accepting all possible outcomes!. but i don't think there is an "ultimate purpose of our being"!. i think it's an ongoing path of becoming which is what leads us across the many doubts and certainties that we face along the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think is a cycle of truth or facts like theorem and postulate!.
We now build a bank of knowledge and use this to back our reasoning to prove a point!. Then it become logical acceptable!. This however may serve other men to understand but more important the person who is inpursuit of the ultimate truth may have find the ultimate peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our certainties lead us to an inevitable stupor, which is designed to enlighten us to the fact that certainties are not- cannot be- "certainties", and that our fabricated knowledge is limited and has boundaries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~~ Our certainties lead us to our personal truths, which are our securities in life!. If we search for all the truths we seek, with an open mind; we will ultimately find all that will make us whole!. ~~Www@QuestionHome@Com

Certainties lead to conclusions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is nothing called "certainty"!.



Alan Watts a philosopher wrote a book I think called 'the importance of uncertainty' - It is taoist/buddhist philosophy about how to live with uncertainty as everything is in process so we only have a working proposition at any one time!.

Good and bad are human constructs and I find that they are not very useful for me - too clumsy!.

Questions like 'what do I want to change about myself!?' feel much more constructive as I feel doubt actually leads to more doubt and has to be shored up with faith - what is so brilliant about certainty - it may lead to conclusion but not specifically action!.Www@QuestionHome@Com