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Question: Would making money obsolete open a gateway to peace!.!.!.!?
Money= Greed=power= control=war!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I think a world without money would be great!.!.!. a utopia!. Everyone contributes to society in their own way, while the government gives the people all the necessities!.!.!.!. food, housing, clothing, medical care!. I see societies like that in futuristic television series, where our future is portrayed positively!.!.!. like the StarTrek series, for example!. Its quite communist, mind you!. And there isnt anything wrong with that!. As other people have said already, it isnt money or power that corrupts, but our human minds and a greed for power that screws our world over!. Communism is ideal!.!.!. but it has yet to be employed in a working fashion!. Its as screwed up as our capitalism is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I think that making money obsolete would enrich the ones who have and put the poor into a state of poverty!.
The economics of the whole world depends on some bartering system and if a currency will do the job then it would be best that we keep it!. It isn't money that is broken so there is no need to fix it; what is broken is our individual attitudes towards it!. That is what has to be fixed, and even then our woes would not come to an end!.
There are many more things that pervert "peace", the love of money is just one of them!.
We have always wanted power over something or someone, we have always wanted to control others, and we have always had wars over this and that!. Patriotism, land, religious misconceptions and mostly fear are the instigators of war!. Granted many companies make a huge profit from wars but it isn't for the money we battle over!. The money is just part of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money is just a means of exchange- a tool!. All that would happen if you got rid of money is that you would have to carry a cart around with chickens, blankets, vegetables, plumbing supplies, etc!., because you would always have to have exactly what someone else wanted in order to trade with them!. If people universally accept money, then all you have to carry around is- money!.

I particularly agree with the second half of your equation, power=control=war!. This is why we need to be so careful with who we allow to have control over our lives and how much power we give them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money is the tool of men who have reached a high level of productivity and a long-range control over their lives!. Money is not merely a tool of exchange: much more importantly, it is a tool of saving, which permits delayed consumption and buys time for future production!. To fulfill this requirement, money has to be some material commodity which is imperishable, rare, homogeneous, easily stored, not subject to wide fluctuations of value, and always in demand among those you trade with!. This leads you to the decision to use gold as money!. Gold money is a tangible value in itself and a token of wealth actually produced!. When you accept a gold coin in payment for your goods, you actually deliver the goods to the buyer; the transaction is as safe as simple barter!. When you store your savings in the form of gold coins, they represent the goods which you have actually produced and which have gone to buy time for other producers, who will keep the productive process going, so that you’ll be able to trade your coins for goods any time you wish!.

“Egalitarianism and Inflation,”
Philosophy: Who Needs It, 127

Wars have been fought over gold and the state of economies no matter what form of exchange they used!. Without money, one civilization might get greedy over the number of horses owned by another nation!. After all, without money, we would still be in the "barbarian bartering" era!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no it would not!. We could have the all the money in the world!. but until everyone is the same!. !.!.!.religion, skin color, way of life, way they dress, what they like!. or what car they drive!. there will always be war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, people are preprogrammed to disagree, and as long as we have that, we will always have conflict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, i think that we would find something else to replace it!. want=desire=greed as so forthWww@QuestionHome@Com