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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do people truly change?

Question: Do people truly change!?
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Personally i don't believe they change 100%, maybe some of their traits only!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it depends on the length of conditioning one's received!. I think we change in degrees what we already are but we don't become someone different!. I can learn to become less sensitive, but I'll always be sensitive; I can try to be attracted to a nice guy, but I'll always fall for the emotionally unavailable!.

We just can't be what we've never experienced because our cells have memory!. To truly change, it takes much more than awareness and desire!. We're still in the beginning stages of just understanding WHY we do the things we do, let alone know how to change those things we seem to do automatically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes they do, but they have to change for themselves not for someone else!. That is the most important key to changing ones self!. A serious drug abuser has to totally hit a bottom in their lives before they finally understand that it's either the drugs or themselves!. That, like all change requires a serious desire to want to be a different person!.

Many people who change for others tend to revert back to themselves because they never really took it seriously!. Lets say a Man or Woman gets married for the wrong reasons, but then decides that he or she can change for the benefit of his wife or children!. This type of change may be eventually accepted but until the individual sees it as their own decision they will never truly be different!. Internally they will always see themselves as the way they were!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes in some ways, and these changes usually reflect the phase of life the person is in!.

Rather than having "good" or "bad" people, you have people at different places in life!. Yes, we do have certain traits and characteristics, but behavior is very, very malleable!.

I do believe that people do have traits - and many areas that are stable and resist change!. In fact, people have areas that will not change!.

That said, behavior is changeable!. This is my own theory of behavior!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we control anything, we control our own thoughts and behavior!. If we can improve anything, it should be ourselves!. We may be the same in how we think and process information but experience has changed the way we interpret everything!. Every day adds a new layer of character in us!.

People do change but only internal motivation would sustain change in the long term!.

As we grow old…the beauty steals inward!.
Ralph Waldo EmersonWww@QuestionHome@Com

the change of enviorment affect human behavior and emotions!. some might say its still one's choice on their behavior, however the enviorment changes on one's point of view of his/her surrounding, and baised on what one expreiences, their morality may be affected which is a motivation for one's action!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes they do!. they change with experience and time because they learn what they can do and cant do!. when your a kid you think you can do almost anything but say you burned your hand on a stove!. right there youve change you know your not so tough!. and when you dearly love someone you will change for them because you want them to be happy so you will do whatever you can to make them happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. But they can't and won't change in time for you if you need them to!. also, not everyone can or will change any given thing about them!. So don't ever hold your breath or wait around for someone to change, cause they'll break your heart!. But, meet someone again in ten years and you may not hardly know them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!. but it is completely up to that person!. to change what you have been is an inner process!. self help books, therapy, advice, nothing will truly make a difference if that inner drive and understanding isn't there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to an extent!. no one can go through life with all it has to offer and be the same as they were as a child!. the degree of change depends on the degree of life they've livedWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes, people change!.!. but the permanent changes are always the unintentional ones!.!. for example, I've become a lot more cynical over the years!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People don't change!. Their situations change prompting different responses but they don't change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only thing that is constant in this world is changes!.

People will become more mature as they age and their mindset will change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think people change I think they adapt!. Change is too hard without a subsequent reward ie: acceptance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe they can to an extent if their resolve is strong and the environmental factors are in their favorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some smell like they obviously don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In true way 1 in may be 200 people,very rear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what is your cocept of 'change'!?Www@QuestionHome@Com