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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why would someone deside ur violeting the rules?

Question: Why would someone deside ur violeting the rules!?
i mean there was a question here asking what came first the check or the egg!?

and my asnwered was: "SHUT UP ALREADY WITH THIS QUESTION! lol its obvious the egg most of been the first one if not where did the chicken come from!?"

and it stated it was a violation to the rules please explain and tell me if i am not correct thnxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People who feel the need to enforce these kinds of arbitrary rules are ethier to stupid or too weak to handle free speech,

Don't like what I have to say !? Don't read it, its not so f*cking hardWww@QuestionHome@Com

You do have the opportunity to appeal it!. The specific violation should have been mentioned!. The address should have been a hyperlink in the email!.

As you probably know, capitals are considered to be shouting!. The term shut up is offensive to some people!. The fact that you followed it with "lol" indicates that you meant to be humorous and not necessarily insulting!.

I think that the appeal could go either way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it was a stupid question!. You see several on this forum!. People try to pretend they are deep or sensitive or whatever attribute they admire!.

We get the question, "What is the meaning of life!?" sometimes several times a day!.

Amazing how many shallow people are out there!.

But the best thing to do is to ignore them unless you want to throw them a bone!.

It is alright to complain about the question as being inappropriate too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com