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Position:Home>Philosophy> Every genius is a bit mad. Do you agree?

Question: Every genius is a bit mad!. Do you agree!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
most geniuses are said to be mad because no one believes them and their brilliant ideas!.!.!. normal people are so slow!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is an excerpt of "Socrates Cafe"!. I know it's super long, but you should definitely read it!. I thought it applied to your question:

""Psychiatry is the rape of the muse!"
The outburst jolts me from my reverie!. I'm perched on a swivel stool in the middle of about forty-five people seeted on filigreed wrought iron benches and chairs in the courtyard of an art deco cafe in San Francisco!. It is a Tuesday night in midsummer and we're about halfway through this particular weekly gathering!. We're trying to answer the question, "What is insanity!?"
The dialouge started out grounded in concrete examples, which quickly begged more and more questions!. Was Hitler insane!? Or was society itself insane at the time and did he just tap into it with cold and calculating sanity!? Was Jack London insane!? What about Edgar Allen Poe!? and Van Gogh!? Was insanity the key to their genius!? Is anyone who sacrifices his health for his art insane!? Or is such squandering the essence of sanity!? Is it sane to risk your life for something you believe in!? Or something you don't believe in!? Is a business man sane who works everyday at a job he hates!? Is a society wacky that tries to prolong perpetually the lives of the terminally ill!? Is a society that does not sparingly use it's natural resources off it's rocker!? Is it nutty to have thousands of nuclear weapons poised to be launched - an act that would obliterate the planet!? How can anyone be sane in this world!? Or is the universe itself insane!? How is the concept of insanity related to such concepts as irrationality, eccentricity, lunacy, and craziness!? Is it possible to be sane and insane at the same time!? Is it impossible not to be!? Is it possible to be completely sane or completely insane!? What are the criteria for determining that someone or something be insane!? Is there really any such thing as insanity!?
Questions, questions, questions!. The disturb!. They provoke!. They exhilarate!. They intimidate!. They make you feel a little bit like you've at least temporarily lost your marbles!. So much that I'm positive the ground is shaking and shifting under our feet!. But not from an earthquake!.

Welcome to the Socrates Cafe!."

Makes you think, eh!?


This is a matter of wrong perception!.
Ordinary people think that genius is mad to come out with a crazy idea!. However, I feel that they are just thinking out of a box!. Ordinary people are thinking within a box so they think that the idea is crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Now wait a minute I think I am as sane as the next guy!!!! You will never get a person who truly is a bit mad to admit!. As for me, I have had a doctor to tell me I had a weird mind but she liked it!. There is a line between madness and genius, at time I think they cross it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going to go with Robin Williams on this one!.
He said "We only have a spark of madness" don't ever lose it!. I hope I don't!. I think a lot of the ideas a genius may have could be considered mad by those with closed minds or afraid of a new idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mad to the extent that they are misunderstood!. We tend to categorize things that are different so that we can understand them!. Norm to me equals madness!. Why be so mundane!. No you don't have to be a genuis to be outside the norm of society, but it's a start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on how you define mad!. To ordinary chumps they may seem crazy, but in all likeliness they are probably more rational then the everyday person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree, usually genius' are reasonably eccentric or very introverted, not the Ian Brady mad, just a mad that fits in with their prowess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


No - but something just a bit "off"!? Absolutely!Www@QuestionHome@Com

genius means not like others!
Thats why lots of ordinary people think that genius equal to crazy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes no one is perfect in this world some saying in tamil"yaanaikum adi sarukkum"yes though you're intelligent you 'll be defeated or go wrong atlest onceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Eccentric or innovative is a much better description than 'mad'!.!.!.!.!.!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, I do not agree

some madmen and madwomen are geniuses, but most aren'tWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think all of us, not just the geniuses, has his or her own part of craziness or madness!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree, because it`s abnormal to be so super clever!. It`s rare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just a tad bit!.!.!.!.!. but do we really know what insanity is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I would have to YES, I Guess that does sound a bit right, so I must be quite Mad then, well I Guess so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes but add that with outcast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no i am not madWww@QuestionHome@Com