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Position:Home>Philosophy> I need help achieving my own personal umm style? i guess.?

Question: I need help achieving my own personal umm style!? i guess!.!?
i dont really know how to phrase this question!.!.!.
but i don't feel like an individual!. i feel like i am always doing what everyone else is!.
excluding like drinking and stuff!. but i will be looking through myspace and i see this really pretty girl and im like wow i wish i was that pretty!. i feel like i am never content with myself!. so i try to be like other people!. so i can feel betteR!?

How can I be happy with myself!?
I love my life and everything!. i just never feel happy with the way I am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I used to do the same thing!. Its a good thing that you're happy with your life but if you're trying to find a personnel style find something that pops at you in the mall and then build off of that!. I found a like for tight jeans and ever since then I've found lots of shirts that look good with them and now I have a whole style built off of it!. Try something different that no one else would do that makes you feel unique!. People will be like wow that persons so individual and different!. It will make you feel a lot better about yourself!. Its just a suggestion but its what I did this year and it works for me :) Oh yeah and be your own best friend never tell yourself wow I'm not pretty or why can't I look like that!. Think only about your good qualities!. And like yourself for who you are!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just be more confident with who you are!.

If you honestly like aspects of someones style it's okay to just "copy" that particular aspect, as long as you don't "copy" everything!.

We all do it!

And judging from the headband on your avatar you are pretty unique =)

Look through magazines like Teen Vogue for inspiration, go shopping at thrift store, in your heart you know what you like and dislike

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take some time to be by yourself!. Take a walk ALONE!. Start wrting in a journal!. Just take some time to look at your life!. Another thing you could do to like yourself better is to just stare into a mirror!. Look at your perfections and imperfections!. This will show you that you ARE an individual!. You ARE unique!. Don't forget to smile! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well your missing your own point here!.!.u see that other grl and wish you where her!? umm isnt that like trying to BE someone else!.!.anyways just give it time i'm guessing your still young as life goes on you will grow and so will your personality and style youll learn to love yourself!.!.and be glad your who you are and not everyone else!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to find things that you can identify with!. Things that you want to do that don't necessarily require others and their influences!.

Do you draw!? play music!? write!? are you good at talking!? you should find what makes you feel good about yourself, and then follow that!.

I'll bet you have at least a little bit of style!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have to remember you are who you are!.!.!.!. you only work to better yourself not try to be like someone else!. You do with what you have and love who you are for yourself!. I'm sure you are a very awesome person if you just accept who you are inside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we're the same!.!.!.just think of ideas that can make up your own self, not imitating others!.!.think of really what you like and then go for it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i feel that way too!. I asked that question here and didn't get any answers!. I hopw you do though!. It'll help me too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com