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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you been the receiver of a random act of love or kindness?

Question: Have you been the receiver of a random act of love or kindness!?
How did it affect you and did it inspire you to be more loving!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes!.!.!.last year when i had a car accident,i died several times,no one thought i would make it yet,one doctor would not give up on me,he stayed with me the whole time!.!.!.how did it effect me!?!.!.!.well,i am glad to say i am alive on most days but the severity of the wreck left me in more pain that most people will see a life time!.!.i am grateful and touched that this doctor was determined to make me live!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.when i weigh the suffering and the hope that ill be better one day soon!.!.!.hope wins!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been the recipient of random acts of kindness several times (usually strangers), and to be honest it really didn't cause me to be any kinder or more loving, because I've always tried to be that way!. BUT, since my daughter's death, I have received a lot of comfort from the kindness of strangers (at first), sometimes more than that from my own family!. And that HAS changed me, a lot!. Before that, I was always a very cynical person--I did not trust very many people!. Never someone I didn't know well!. So, I guess that has made me a kinder person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was at a supermarket checkout once and my card would not swipe!. it was for $10 and while i was trying to see if i could transfer some money to a different account to use a different card etc etc, the lady behind me in the queue paid for me!. she had been served so she wasn't just doing it to get through, it was a genuine act of kindness!.

i think it takes courage to perform acts of kindness for strangers because we are stepping out of our comfort zone and we never know how someone will react!.

i try to be brave now, if i can help someone i do, where as in the past i may have wanted to but chickened out!. this is due more to a confidence that has come with age rather than a reaction to kindnesses paid to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Many times!. Maybe its because I never expect anything from anyone (except what's their official duty) and when someone goes out of his/her way to help I consider it an act of kindness!.

Recently while taking my mother to hospital I found the doctor was not in his OPD but had gone to OT!. Everyone was made to wait!. But suddenly an employee came to us & took us till the door of OT so the doctor could check her up there (as he hadn't yet started surgery though fully ready)!. The man was Godsent!.

Then there was another doctor who while scanning my mom's CT scan/X-Ray placed his hand on my head to reassure me, even though we both knew things were pretty bleak!.

Such random acts re-enforces my belief that not everyone has turned mercenary and humanity is still alive!.

Both incidents (these being the most recent ones though there have been many more in the past) left me overwhelmed!. As for being more loving, I do not think I am any other wise!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really!. My life has been hard, most everything done for me has been conditional!. However I have done it more than a few times, and it really feels good!. Especially if I remain anonymous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intense suffering and agony always pulled me to my inside and made me experience the sea of love ebbing forth from there that has made my loving purer and purer but also love every being unconditionally!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many times, many, many times, and I'm happy for it!. I'm over fifty and I remember random acts of kindness towards me as early as 1958!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ive been a giver all the time but yes there have been some times when the girl I love ( she isnt intrested in a relationship though ) would surprisingly show me some love
thats my experience
nothing beyond thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

probably, but nothing comes to mind, so if it did happen i would say that the loving feeling afterwards was temporaryWww@QuestionHome@Com