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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the absolute significance of the colour red?

Question: What is the absolute significance of the colour red!?
I'm just wondering, from all cultures perspective!.!.!. I know many cultures have many meanings behind each colour, but I'm just curious about red at this point!. (Oh, and what cultural background are you from!?)

also, what would you say is the most, by far, significant colour- the one with the most meaning!? (I'd say white or black, but in your opinion!.!.!.!?)

I kind of want to use it to symbolize a lot more than what meets the eye for a piece of writing I'm working on!.

Please and thank-you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the colour red is soo that girls can know if there getting there period, i mean what would u say if u started to see like !.!.!.!. green on ur underpants !.!. i dont think i'd be too hapy to see that !.!.!. soo thats my answer to that questiom !.!.!. the significance of the colour red!.
melissa i hope that helped some what !Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the natural environment, red can be found in fire and very hot things, in sunsets, and on flowers!. Some animals are naturally coloured red, primarily birds!. Blood is also red!. People who see the colour red often make these very common associations!.

Red is thus a colour about excitement!. About violence and passion and warmth!. It is a colour about transition and about sentiment!. These are meanings having nothing to do with culture, but with these things in the physical world and how they affect us!.

Which colour is significant is a value judgement!. If you think the things red symbolizes are important, you will say that is the most important colour!. If you think other things are, you will choose others!. I am the water, myself, so I am naturally inclined to blue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I only know that red absorbs green and blue!
The most significant colour is green, you see it everywhere in nature, our planet is called the blue planet, for water reflects the blue sky(also only blue for all these wave lenght matters and Rayleigh scattering blabla), but green is real!
It grows!! It's green!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe red symbolizes good luck in Chinese culture!.

every color has its own feeling to me!. it always epends on the viewer, but theres always a general feeling from a color because most of us has had the same influences!. for ex, blue is peaceful, yellow is happy!. look at a color and it will have its own meaning to you!. use that meaning in your writing, demonstrate your own artistic values!. good luck~ :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The one with the most meaning is black and white, it adds depth to the subject at hand!. =)

Red, is romantic!. My ideal bedroom when my boyfriend and I get married will be black and white in color with accents of red or orange here and there, adding a uniqueness to the rooms atmosphere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think all colors have meanings!.

Red is passion, and intensity!. I think of black and white as the extremes of the world, and red as the flame that keeps us going, the intensity of our emotions that create that chaos and those variables!. I did a piece similar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The color purple is about my favorite, it was often associated with royalty and/or magic!. And the fact that the color purple is a intermingling of red and blue is groovie 2 my hippie sensibilities!!



No color has the most meaning to me!.

Every color was created and since everyone has their own opinion about the significance then their really is no one significance to any color in the whole!.!. spectrum of colors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ive heard in China it symbolizes good luck
And in my opinion the color with the most meaning is white

Love your avatar=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its for blood!. anger!.danger,we say like that!. the Black is very pure!. you cant mix it with other colour Black is the bestWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know that back in the Renaissance it was a reminder of martyr's blood; that they gave up their life for their faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


heat passion life love anger an emotion that gets you fired up!.!.!.!. opposite would be blue!.!.!. do you feel like moving at all when your really blue!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

nothing, humans make it all up!. It doesn't have any real "meaning"Www@QuestionHome@Com

All colours evoke some kind of emotion, and it is pretty much the same for most cultures!. Here's a chart of what i've gathered about the effects of colours on the human mind!.
Red: Red is the colour of anger because of blood!. Blood is red, and blood comes from anger!. Hence, red=anger!.
Yellow: Yellow is joy, because of the sun and of flowers!. Many flowers are yellow, and hence yellow typically evokes feelings of joy, though it is not as strong a color as red!.
Blue: Peace, from the ocean!. It flows endlessly, and (from the surface) is entirely peacful!. also comes from the blue colour of the sky!.
Green: Life or death, seriously!. Because of the association with brightly coloured animals and plants being assosiated with poison, green can mean death!. However, green is more typically thought of as being associated with life, as grass is green, as are many plants!.
Orange: It varies from person to person, as orange is not a common colour!.
Violet: It usually evokes feelings of romance of comfort, not so much of peace as of shelteredness!. This is because it is a dark colour, not straining on the eyes like red, but not empty like black!. It is peacful, and does not bend towards one extreme or another!. Once again, it's not very common in the natural world!.
Black: Void, emptyness, darkness, confusion!.
White: Fullness, loneliness (odd contrast), it tends to be a strong colour that comes with strong feelings of happiness, not neccisarily of peace though, similar to purple but more intense!.

Strongest colour: Red!. Sorry, not black or white because we can easily associate red with an emotion and a real life object, not to mention even our subconcious recognizes it as anger (dreams, red in dreams means anger) makes be believe that red is the strongest color!.Www@QuestionHome@Com