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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats your way in making who u care for smile on a blue day?

Question: Whats your way in making who u care for smile on a blue day!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My way!?i have no way!.!.!.or maybe yes!.!.!.
I had a friend in my life, the mister disaster!.This person, wherever he was going was bringing the sisaster, everyone if he sees him 100 metres away they run by fear that something bad will happen!.!.So, it is enought to say a story of so many we have on him, and they immediatelylaugh so much!.!.!.
Then it is also a good encouraging word to say !.!.!.because life is so short, if we spend it without smile!.!.!.we ll not be able to surviveWww@QuestionHome@Com

No one can make any one else smile!. Smiling comes completely, 100% from within!. You can do something sweet for someone to bring the smile out, but they are the ones who make the decision to be affected by your gesture, they are the ones who pick to smile!. It is an often overlooked danger to think that anyone can make any one else do anything-- at least not in a healthy manner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My niece tells me she loves me and starts tickling me!. If they're not ticklish, you might try a change of scenery!. Go outside if that's possible!. Then start talking anything around (the weather or something) and jump into a story of something funny, funny-absurd!. Heck, tell on yourself! We all do little things throughout the day that aren't the "brightest" things, and are pretty funny, and could lead to a smile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I go 'Aww, are you sad!?' in a very sad voice!. then, whether they saw yes or no, i continue on to phase two!. In a ridiculous voice mash-up of 'im so sorry' and 'come on, silly, be happy!' i say 'Aww, smile silly!' that's when i move on to phase three!. i MAKE them smile by pushing up the corners of their faces!.

If all else fails, turn on the radio to country music and dance ridiculously!.

this isn't exactly philosophy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if it's my mum ,i give her a little something,the best was some flowers i picked up,or help her with chores!.
if it's my boyfriend ,i let him know i'm there for him and hug him if he feels like being around me,becuase most of the time when he's upset he wants to be alone!.
if it' s my bro/sis, best friends etc i ask them what's wrong and really listen to what they say,if i can help i do it,if not i try to cheer them up with lame jokes and stuff like that;pWww@QuestionHome@Com

"It is a good storyteller who can turn a man's fears into wisdom"
-a sponge to wipe the past, a rose to clean the present, a kiss to sweeten the future-
- one may catch a knife by the blade or by the handle-Www@QuestionHome@Com

~~ I used to stare at him with a very serious look on my face & not say a word until he acknowledged me!. Then I would say in my best cat-voice!.!.!."I'm jEst a widdle kiddie cat,meawwww!" He always laughed!. And meaw back!. I miss him & wish he could meaw back at me again!. ~~Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd tell the person I care for that it's a blue day and that there is nothing not to smile about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my sense of humor and by making them think positively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try and say or do something (from the heart) to make them feel special!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Baking him CookiesWww@QuestionHome@Com