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Position:Home>Philosophy> How come everyone thinks the world will end?

Question: How come everyone thinks the world will end!?
When you read the bible you will find stuff that says it already did!.
i!.e!. Matthew 23:36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation!.
and then I found something that said the world won't end!.
i!.e!. Ecclesiastes 1:4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever!.
Has anyone else read these!?
What do you think!?
I always thought useing the end was something just to keep people on the right track!. You know, to scare them!.
that way they would follow the rules!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Religion is all about fear and control!.

The world will end, but it won't be at the hands of a non-existent supernatural deity!. Eventually, the Earth will be consumed by an expanding Sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All things are a cycle and all things are relative!. perhaps for some people the world DID end, but for another it is at it's greatest and for others it's just beginning!. For example, i bet in the holocaust in Germany it felt like the world was ending, but over here in America we were having a fine time!.

-everything- is relative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, if your going to use parts of the Bible, you might want to not take it out of context!. if you read all of the book of matthew, it does talk about the end times!. also, read Revalation and Daniel!. parts of Daniel talk about end times, and almost ALL of Revalation is about the end!. also, when it says the earth will come to an end, it is only talking about THIS earth!. God will make a new earth, where we, and everything in it will be perfect!. :)

O!.!. and Bleeding!.!. you ask for a sign!? look around you!. in the bible it says "there will be wars, rumors of wars, pestilences, earth quakes in random places, natural disaster!.!.!. the list goes on and on!.!.!. He has given us PLENTY of signs!.!. The end IS near!.

But, why not just go ahead and be ready, instead of waiting for the last minute!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

no one knows the accurate date and time when the world will end!. only God knows!. the whole mayans thing is they start of a new era, not an end!.

all these kind of things are only made to scare people and make them believe that it really is going to end, when it's not!. how can they know!? just because everyone thinks that the world will end sometime in 2012, doesn't mean it will!.
there is no true evidence!. so we have nothing to worry!. so the people who obssess over these kind of things, need to stop!. the mayans were people like us!. they weren't God!. only God knows our worlds fate!. I'll leave it at that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can you think of anything that doesn't end!? Science says the sun will go nova a few billion years from now, around the time the Andromeda Galaxy collides with ours!. All quite irrelevant compared to the obvious fact that YOU will end a few score years, or less, from now!. If you like the Bible, remember at the end of Matthew Jesus says no one knows when the world will end except His Father!. Instead of worrying about the end, focus on the present!. What good thing is right there now waiting for you to do it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Short answer, the earth itself will be here til the sun explodes (what, thats like 10 billion years right!?)

Because no one really knows and everyone panicks about stuff they don't know!. Then they form rediculous theories like this!.
The earth will be here forever!.!.!.until the sun explodes!.!.!.or a comet hits it!. Even then, it might survive!. Will we!? Probably!. By the time that happens, hopefully we've spread out through the universe!. About the only thing that can stop us now is our own destruction (nuclear war) which will not destroy earth, only us, or if a big meteroite hit us in the next, say 50 years!. After that, chances are very good we'll stop it!. Even now, with enough warning, we possibly could save ourselves from an oncoming meterite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

why are you looking for answers in there!?!? that was written 2000 years ago!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.he did NOT come back int that generation, he is NOT coming back!.
The world will die someday, rework itself over and over again many millions of times before our sun goes super nova and consumes it!. We are here as humans for just a tiny speck in time on this rock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i havn't read those!.
but i think the world will end!.
but not anytime in my lifetime!.
so im not really worried about it!.
i would rather just live each day wonderfully and not worry about when the end is coming!.

and i think it is just to scare you to do the right thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because everything dies!. everything comes to an end!. scientifically, nothing can last forever!. nothing!. and its shallow for us to think that we, or our world, will be any different!. but there is no way to predict its comings!. we can't live aiting for our demise!. life isn't a waiting room!. its a never eneding cycle, but there may be a slight pause somewhere in the there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not goin to use the bible to answer ur question but I will say this that everything that has a beginning has an end!.

Even our sun will eventually die, yes that is a billion years from now but the same goes for our planet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People just think that the world is going to end because the more people that we have, the more problems that we have!.!.!.and since our population is growing and problems are getting worse, most everyone just gets over-dramatic about it and fear the worstWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow,good point!. people want to scare other people!. and, supposedly, the Mayan calendar predicts the world will end in 2012!. i think Jesus would give a sign of some sort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Looks like ice, when the poles shift!.
Maybe Jesus will come on ice skates!.Www@QuestionHome@Com