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Position:Home>Philosophy> Fate or random probability?

Question: Fate or random probability!?
do you think the universe, time and all things that are to come to pass are predetermined, or are we nothing more than the outcome of a series of random events that lead to this very moment!? i'm inclined to go with the latter, but i'm curious about what you think!. spill it, and tell me why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there is no way to tell if life is written on some intricate script somewhere or if things just happen as thy do for no particular reason!. Personally i dont believe in fate, but sometimes im prone to think otherwise, I mean some things are just to coincidental to just HAPPEN right!? I really dont know what to believe, so i just go with whatever happens and put every ounce of my energy in trying my best not to question them and usually, I fail!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Does life have consequences!? If so, there is nothing random!.

What is predetermined concerns the laws that are determining the consequences!. If we reap as we sow, then eventually we will realize we can't hurt others or we will be hurt and our attention will turn to love in order to reap love and its happiness

If you look to other peoples' lives to substantiate this law you will not find conclusive evidence!. You must find this out for yourself for it to be real to you!. As you do, you will becoming more proactive and the conscious determiner of your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In what sense do you mean "random"!? To my knowledge random would indicate something like an elephant spontaneously appearing in front of me!.!.!.

The universe is most certainly deterministic!.!.!. while it could be argued quantum theory lends itself to a "random" account, it shows an incomplete understanding of the science!. If the movement of particles (and particles which form larger things such as people) occurs in a predictable way, then "things" are most certainly deterministic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe there are some events that are predetermined, but not everything!. If you want to really read something that will make you wonder, try this:

"The Story of Edgar Cayce "There is a river!.!.!.""
ISBN: 0-87604-375-9Www@QuestionHome@Com