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Position:Home>Philosophy> What if someone is a test tube baby or a sperm/egg bank donation baby?

Question: What if someone is a test tube baby or a sperm/egg bank donation baby!?
You know how when people say "well I must get that from my mom or dad"!. Even when someone is adopted they will assume that they get a behavior from their biological parent, even though they were never raised by that parent!.

So what if someone is a product of a donation!? Is behavior passed on through genes!? I know that phenotypes are but what about behavior!? Is behavior learned even while in the womb!. What do you think and what do you know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ah! The old Nature versus Nurture debate!. This is far too complex to answer in a small forum like this!.

Check out the link below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are aspects of our behavior and personalities that do seem to be genetic, or at least have a strong genetic component!.

How sociable a person is, for instance!.

Or whether they have a short fuse!.

Talents are another aspect strongly inborn!.

But things like table manners are picked up from ones enrinonment!.

It's not that behavior is "learned" in the womb, but that the brain does much of its developing there, in accordance with instructions from genes, and other things (mother's diet, hormones -- to name two)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From what I read on this ridiculous subject, the sperm donor has to fill out a complete and accurate form on his health and his mannerisms so the child will have something to ref back to when it gets older!. Some things are genetic and a lot of it learned from the family the child is raised with so its about 80/20 and unless its a real health/mental issue its mostly from the child's enviroment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm sure there is some stimulus/response while in the womb from nutrition, sounds, stress hormones, etc!.!.!. In fact homosexuality is probably a result of hormones in the womb!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think behaviour is influenced both by genes and the environment in which the child grows in so its not all from your biological parents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's in the DNA, so YES!.Www@QuestionHome@Com