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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does logic have to have a foundation?

Question: Does logic have to have a foundation!?
Is logical thought that comes from "top of your head" strong or weak!? Don't you have to have a foundation (scientific, economic, etc) in order to give your logic strength!.

Without a foundation for your logic, isn't a logic just an opinion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you do not have foundation for your logic, you will be likely to base your logic on emotions which is usually illogical!.


The purpose of positing a proposition is to determine whether or not it can become a "foundation" for argument!. That determination is made by the "validity" or the "soundness" of the premiss, and those words mean entirely different things in logic!.

"A deductive argument is said to be valid if and only if it takes a form that makes it impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion nevertheless to be false!. Otherwise, a deductive argument is said to be invalid!.

"A deductive argument is sound if and only if it is both valid, and all of its premises are actually true!. Otherwise, a deductive argument is unsound!."

You cannot have a "foundation" if it has not previously been proved "sound!." It is an opinion if it has not passed that test!.

But you can take your own opinion, process it with deductive reasoning, and come to a foundation!. Failure to do so means it will remain just an opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to make it simple on you, logic is based on truth!. so, unless something is proven to to be true, you can't say it is logical!.
If you prove a statement to be false, then it is illogical!.

if you said something, it might be merely an opinion, but once you try to pove that it is true, and it urned out tht it is true, then you could say that 'it is not merely an opinon , it is also logical!." make sense!?

You said:
Okay so what about those people that say that "their logic comes from the top of their heads by just thinking about things"!?

well if it is sometign easy to prove, then you might just test it simply as you say it or simply as it pops in the mind!.
you just stepd outsid, and you see the whole street is wet, and you know that there is no way for the street of geting wet unless it rains, so, as soon as you see thestreet wet, you just say"it was raining", so that is logic for the top of the head!.!.!.but testing had been done too, no matter what, it is just quicker in somecase!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

is a series of synaptic connects that function in a sequence, generating a firing pattern that provides logic thought This is then duplicated in the next person ,when and if, they grasp the pattern of logical thought!.
Opinion arises when analysis proves logic to be incorrect, thereby developing a broader discussion until the correct pattern can be verified!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I make up things, and say them as if I had researched any given subject for 15 years!.

Its a lot easier than actually doing the work, and if you're just telling people what to hear, what's the problem with it being illogical !?

People are too dumb to understand logic for the most part, so it doesn't make a difference if what I'm selling them is based on truth or logic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Logical systems rest on logical axioms!. Axioms have no foundation (except the sense that "one couldn't imagine otherwise")!. Good logical systems rest on as few axioms as possible, and as self-evident as possible!.

Still, as in any argument, if you reject the premises, you need not accept any conclusions that follow from axioms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must understand that there are many foundations to logic when man is the source of it!. It can be from a man's experience, training, learning, or plain common sense!. That's what I think!.

When I use to play chess quite a bit years ago I learned there are different levels of players!. At their own level they were fine!. But when they went to another level it was more difficult and challenging!. And only time would aid them in their game!. This to me is the best logical analogy I can think of!. Later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are correct!.!. Additional comment!.

Logic is the end result of a philosophy!. A philosophy must be mathematically proven in order to be accepted as a valid one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There has to be a basis in the logic, even if it is fallaciousWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's like being good in sports or anything else really!.

The basis of logic is really math, and careful , objective observation, training would include lots of math , logic, and computer science perhaps!.

In this way you get used to thinking in logical , or consequential terms, so A leads to B which has possible outcomes, X,Y or Z, with a probability of I,J, or K!. In this way some people are able to think "on their feet" or "off the top of their heads", using logic, which allows - usually for better decision-making!. As to whether logic is an opinion, it certainly is a point of view, such as the opinion that 2+2 = 4, which is a logically correct statement, I could have an opinion that 2+2 = 5 , but that opinion would be wrong, from a logical perspective!.

Logic is not however, infalable, since usually, we have to make decisions with imperfect information, and even when behaving logically and rationally, mistakes can still be made!.

While folks like these are usually considered scary smart, and some even know it, but the downside is that such smarts can sometimes require so much effort that they have reduced other aspects of their lives - such as social skills and relationships, not to mention sometimes, being logical is not always what it's about, sometimes, it's best just to have fun, or emotional and let things happen spontaneously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com