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Question: Do The Ends Justify The Means!?
In your opinion!?
I don't think they do!. What about you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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They never do, two wrongs dont make a right!. Whatever goes around comes around but the universe has a way of doing that, it is not right for people to take it into their own hands!. Hurting others because of them doing something to you will never mend your wounds, they will only make them deeper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if the ends don't justify the means, what does!?

I know "the ends don't justify the means" is a popular saying, but I don't think it makes any sense!. If, for example, we should tell the truth because telling the truth allows society to function, enables us to have meaningful relationships, makes people happy, etc!., all of these are cases of the ends justifying the means!. The only other option I see would be to say the moral value of the means just is what it is; that it is somehow INHERENTLY wrong to lie!. This view can get into a lot of trouble (Kant most famously thought the ends should be completely divorced from the means!. He seemed to be happy to bite the bullet and say that you should never lie, even when necessary to save an innocent life!.), but what strikes me the most is how arbitrary it is!. When asked why lying is inherently wrong, nearly all explanations are end-oriented (see the above examples)!. Can you give a reasons why one should not lie that do not point to the outcome of lying!? Most people can't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the topic!.

If my end is pleasure, and eating this delicious cookie is the means to bring me pleasure, then certainly the ends justify the means!.

If however, your talking about people then no, ie if the end is curing 5 people of illness, and the means is killing a healthy person, then the ends do not justify the means!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I take things on a case by case basis!. For instance, would you sacrifice 50% of the human population if it would create world peace!? Probably not!. Would you sacrifice 5% for a substantially more peaceful world!? How many lives is peace worth!? That answer is different for everyone!. In my opinion, you can't just look at one side; you need the contrast that comes from seeing the little picture *and* the big picture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question is impossible to answer without specifics!. The answer might be yes or no depending on the particular end and means!. What criteria do you use to determine whether or not the end is good!? For example, an extreme proposition in accordance with your principle might be as follows:

Aids is a terrible affliction!.
As long as there are people, there will be Aids!.
Therefore, eliminating all people is justified because it eliminates aids!.

And likewise, it could be argued (fallaciously) that if killing is wrong and the only way to stop a murderer from killing is the death penalty, then killing a killer is justified!. Think about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gandhi said, I am willing to die for the Independence of India, but not kill for it!. It's worth my life , but not my soul!. In case you missed the movie Gandhi was the guy who first used passive resistance to bring about change!. It worked for India!. England got sick & tired of busting heads ; And just walked out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where do the means end!? the end is just another beginning!. The means for the prior end may not fit the new desired end or goal!. The ends justify the ends and that's about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Hurting others to get what you want is not a good idea--even when you say you're hurting a few people to help a lot of peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

When it comes to banana cream pie Yes !.Www@QuestionHome@Com