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Position:Home>Philosophy> What exactly is love? Why do we feel it?

Question: What exactly is love!? Why do we feel it!?
I'm so full of it but haven't a clue where it comes from or why it happens!.!.!. any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think love is some thing that you can't control or who you feel it for!. It is some thing that is buried deep inside you and you never know when or where it will show it self!. It's a passion like fire burning and as strong as any force a person will come across!. Love is not just something that you feel for another person, it can be felt for a situation or an experience, a song or a pet!.

Love is what it is, if love could be harnessed it would be the greatest force that man kind would ever find!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What exactly is not love, would be a more appropriate ask, as I believe there is love of a certain being that we find all around us, life, the world, that we, in our own right, are the central part of!. Human life, in my view, is manifestation of something I cannot call anything less then divine love emanating though the heart of hearts of all beings to merge into one consciousness!. The origin of this love are in fact so close within our mind, even closer to the intents of our heart, that we, the mundanely attuned people, often find ourselves far from it, far from the true origin of our own being!.

It is very western to believe, after Rene Descartes, I think therefore I am!. This identification or discovery of self is significant in the mind, but if ‘I think therefore I am’, is believed to be true, then it is also obligatory in the mind to investigate what we think, or the way we think, for the way we think would further determined the way we are!. For instance, if I think mostly of material things or the world then I am in the way of the world!. I am then placed in an outsider purpose that fulfills my physical needs of my physical being!. But if I think in terms of soul, instead of self as Rene Descartes suggest, then my heart would seek different goal, then it would seek fulfillment of otherworldly kind!.

I can think in terms of my spiritual goals and ideals that I innately believe that all people are but a part of, or are physical manifestations of!. I can think of virtues instead of value, character of piety instead of a character of based upon secular values!. Then my love is not merely restricted to my needs for food, sex and belongings, and my concept of beauty, that love is traditionally known to adore, is not merely material but virtually divine, and transcendental!.

We feel love because love is what we originally are from, the excellent ideal and the origin of our being!. We feel love because our soul longs to find its origin, it original seat of bliss and excellence, closeness of God Almighty as in religious terms!. We feel love because we have innate capacity to feel love, to love and to be loved!. Then what we have in ourselves is more easily and longingly visible in other people around us who we approve of or commend dearly!. What we cannot find fulfilled within, we find easier to realize in other people, the ones we fall in love with!. It is the physical distance between two people that make them realize what exactly this distance is in between, the love of each other for each other, the same excellence that one sees in the other!.

The most common example is that we seldom admire our own beauty but we find others attractive more often!. This is because of the distance in between people give us a chance to observe a little more objectively what have been hidden within due to being so close to our self as our ideal!.

It is terrible that love is a world so commonly used today for all sort of things including sexual gratification and lust, and greed, whereas love is life, live should be realized as love in its true sense, the more love we feel the more life we have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love stems partly from an evolutionary drive to find a healthy and genetically appropriate mate in order to continue the species - but!.!.!.!.

!.!.!.that's only part of it - what about love for one's children (again an evolutionary mechanism) !.!.!. or one's pets!.!.!. or one's car!?

There are far more elements to love than simply biochemical and evolutionary urges!. What, for example, defines beauty!? (i!.e!. it's in the eye of the beholder)!.

There are so many parts to consider - culture, beauty, aesthetics, pheromones, genetics, friendship, sense of humour!.!.!.

Love, however, impossible to define, is real and the indistinctness of its nature makes it all the more mysterious and wonderful!.

I've tried to rationalise and explain love before !.!. but I still come up short - I'm just really happy that it's there!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a feeling inside you!.God gave it to you!.humans can't exactly commprehend it correctly-- i mean, when we hear the word "love", what automatically comes to mind!? boyfriend+girlfriends, intimate relationships, hugs+kisses, stuff like that,huh!?!
love, as the dictionary has it, is this:
"an intense affectionate comcern for another person!.
A passionate attraction to another person!.
A beloved person!.
A strong liking or enthusiasm for something!.
A zero score on tennis!.
To feel love for!.
To like enthusiastically!."

hey!i didn't know about the tennis thing!(tehe-thats funny!.)
but yeah,anyway!.hope this helps u! good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, there's all kinds of love, no!?

Love is that emotion we feel so that our offspring will have the survival advantage of two committed parents!.

Love is that attitude that motivates us to be altruistic!.

Love is that utterly self-absorbed altered state of consciousness that we can invoke by fixating on some attractive person, never mind if s/he knows we exist!. ("I blindly throw my faith to the face of the next pretty girl that comes my way"--Dave Matthews, "Granny")

Love can also be invested in things, places, works of art, sports!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is nature's way that all things group together!. Atom's, animals, bacteria, therefore even us humans like to group together!. Those that stay away from the group are the exceptions to the rule!. It is only natural to feel wanted, and love stems from this!. Sometimes we like the company of certain individuals better!. I wouldn't try to explain it too much, you'll only go mad!, just know that it is there and we can either accept it or reject it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God knows!.!.!.supposedly its a chemical reaction in the brain for survival or bonding people together so they can bring up children better or something but i am not sure i believe in love with all the infidelity and betrayal couples seem to suffer, it seems like nobody cares anymore as everyone is always looking for someone else better than what they have all the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Brain chemicals are natural stimulants that cause you to fall in love and crave for love!.
The main chemical are Dopamine and Norepinephrine!.
Dopamine better known as romantic love!
Norepinephrine better known as infatuation!Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!. it comes from nowhere and stayed inside till the day you die(if it is real one)Www@QuestionHome@Com

love is where our sperms are ready 24/24Www@QuestionHome@Com