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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you know you are going to be blind after some years, how will you behave?

Question: If you know you are going to be blind after some years, how will you behave!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One of the difficult things to accept is any of our current privileges are revoked!.

Though we know we are going to die after some years, we are not doing any great!.

I would prepare to accept the change and try to do what ever best I can do with that limitation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try to think of everything I can do to please the people around me, just to not feel like I haven't done anything with my life!. See what is worth seeing and try to find things that I can do after I loose the light from my eyes!.
I mean surely there is something I can do with my life as it will be, there is no point in getting depressed or anything because it doesn't really help anyone!.

So to answer your question, I guess I will be just brave and adapt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am going blind slowly!. every year the thing at the doctor goes one click or two worse!. if i life to be 80 i will be almost completely blind at the present rate!. i am going to see as much as i can before i can no longer see well enough to enjoy a movie or a sunset!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start blindfolding yourself,and learn how to manipulate your surroundings without sight!. You may find that you see life more clearly without vision!. Do not be fear full, your eye's may deceive you now, loosing your vision may be beneficial!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would do everything i could to stop it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No changeWww@QuestionHome@Com