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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would time exist if there was no end to it?

Question: Would time exist if there was no end to it!?
hey guys, i thought of this the other day and wanted to know what you all thought!. Say if time had no ending and had no beginning (which could be possible because we don't really really know) then does time actually really exist!? or is it just man made used to make our days and lives more efficient and easier to organize!.!.!.!.!. what dya all think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Time exists!. It is the measurement of the linear passing of events!.

Your question is interesting but it also seems futile, like asking if length didn't exist - it has to for there to be any reality!.

Perform a simple experiment!. Think back to the time you typed the question!. Did you remember it!? Did it happen!? If not, how ( and why) am I responding to it - the past happened - if it is past then time occurred!.

As we live within this universe, and accepting for the moment that time is a measurement only within this universe then time will relatively exist for the duration of this universe's life!. However, viewed from outside this universe but using the same measurement system of time - it can exist outside too!.

Even if all universes ended, time would still relatively continue!.
Thus time has no end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time is man made i think, it is completely based on movement and it can't end, unless everything stops moving in which case it would be the end of time!. Think of this, what do we base time on!? The movement of a hand on a clock which is moved by the gears in it!. One second is just a set interval of movement that we can compare the rest of the world to and arrange the world in a way that people can compare with!.

Space goes out to infinity, does it still exist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

An interesting question, I was wondering the same thing!.

I am divided!. I can't decide whether to believe that time is, as Isaac Newton suggested, another dimension in which things occur in sequence!. Or whether it is an anthropogenic (man-made) explanation for a phenomenon involving the movement of particles throughout the universe!.

If the second is true, when the universe ceases to exist (which will happen according to the second law of thermodynamics as the heat dissipates due to entropy), time will also cease to exist because there is nothing for it to act on!. All there will be is a void, timeless and motionless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read a lot of new age books, and time really does not exist and that it is man made!. i have been trying to understand it because its a hard concept to grasp!. everything that happened and will happen is all happening now!. if you believe in reincarnation then that would mean you are living all your lives right now and splitting your soul up into the many lives!. I am still trying to figure this one out!. I have determined that both Darwin and creationism are both right on this very concept!. creationism believed that god made man and right then he was there but Darwin believes that man evolved from the primordial goo which is also correct!. when god said let there be man in the concept of time as we see it, it took billions of years through evolution but in the sense of time that god sees it, it all happened in the blink of an eye because there is no time but an eternal now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time, is a unit of measurment!. but, life is naturally schedule oriented, such as seasons and day and night!. Man is the only species smart enough to have a unit of measurment for it!. Time will always exist, whether there's someone or something around to appreciete it is a different matterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Time is man-made!. We invented it based on our observations of the movement of celestial bodies (sun, moon, planets)!.

If we were not able to perceive these phenomena (including night/day, tidal movements), we would have no sense of time!. However, ability to perceive these phenomena is part of our biology (e!.g!. women's menstrual cycle corresponds with the moon's relationship to our planet)

Imagine if you were floating in space - able to survive, but completely free-floating, and have no clock!. Eventually you would not be able to tell a minute from an hour from a day!. You'd go crazy!. There is a type of torture that is based on depriving the victim of any sense of night or day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man defines time in a marked sequince: second, minute, hour, etc!.

There will never be an end to time, only an end to how it is marked by man in this life!. I have no doubt about mans' marking system being done away with once we enter eternity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if events still do not occur simultaneously but rather happen in some kind of sequence, then time as we know it, still exists!.

And for all you people claiming that time is man-made, how do you explain that we can determine an age of the earth!? or of the sun!? If time did not exist such concepts would be meaningless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

man made the concept of time for easy reference!. to be specific!. but if you don't have things to accomplish and nothing to track you don't reallyneed a clock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is meaningless to speak of an end to time because the idea of 'ending' is time-dependent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is always "NOW"!. Time is the "idea" that the "NOW" is sequential!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think time is made to make thing easier to organize all along!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

man made

to find out, be in the NOW, in the moment!. no time!Www@QuestionHome@Com

we would not exist if there were no time!. time is a revolution, that becomes an evolution and constantly brings about change!. but you didn't hear that from me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there should be 48 hours in every day!. That way we would have more time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no end to it!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

time is man made!. there is no such thingWww@QuestionHome@Com