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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it wrong to get pleasure out of someone else's pain?

Question: Is it wrong to get pleasure out of someone else's pain!?
Like seeing someone slip and fall!. Most people laugh first and then ask if they're ok!. Or when I find out someone that was mean to me in high school or an ex got pregnant or is fat, it brightens up my day a little!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
lol, you are honest! I think it is very natural to get pleasure from the misfortune of others!. I think the examples you give are separate!. The first example is more comic in nature, some accidents happen to look funny (assuming we are actually amused and aren't laughing out of surprise or awkwardness instead!.) The second example is, I guess a deeper feeling, based on your dislike for the person, and the pleasure you get is not comic at all!.

Is it wrong!? I think it would really depend on the person and situation and your other actions!. If I laugh when someone falls down, but then go and help them, that is not nearly as bad as if I just laughed and never helped!. If an ex is suffering a misfortune, and you feel happy about this, but offer to help anyway, again that doesn't seem so bad!. If the person whose misfortune I take pleasure in is the shady character who has always cheated people but never got caught, it is not clear feeling pleasure is wrong!.

I really think that in these cases we really don't have much control over whether or not we get pleasure!. If we could control whether we were pleased by things, then wouldn't we all just go around choosing to be pleased at just about everything!? That's not how human psychology works though, and if we can not control something, it is hard to see how we can be morally responsible for it!.

(And yes, I do enjoy it when people, even good people, whom I dislike have bad things happen to them!.) :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Considering those two examples you put before us, I don’t think the actions of yours would be judged as “wrongful one”; because they show a particular part of human nature where there is no harm meant to opposite fellow, eventually he or she!. I concur that there are people who watch someone slips, falls and moves forward as if its not their business to extend helping hand!. But, equally it is wrong to assume the by- passer was enjoying some kind of pleasure by watching the concerned fellow!. It happens naturally!. However, the second example of yours is rather personal!. But since those incidents bring bright smile on your face, I think you are enjoying a little bit!. Notwithstanding, its not a major crime to consider!. Still, it is wrong to get pleasure if we see someone trapped something like drastic or dreadful loss, may be financial or domestic!. No one should think to feel “bright smile” under such circumstances!.!.!.!.even for a few minutes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

schadenfreude: Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others!.

Well, it depends!. Like many things, it all depends on the circumstances!.

After a natural disaster do you enjoy the "misfortunes" of those affected!.

Or, when a bunch of rich jerks make unwise investments and loose a bundle do you just smile and have a chuckle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is wrong!. but we ALL tend to do it!. it's natural to feel much better when you find out that the person that you dislike the most is hurt in some way!.
but then again, always try putting yourself in their shoes!.
they can be mean and bitter all they want!.
you just have to be true to yourself!.
it is fine to feel happy about someones pain INTERNALLY!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it's wrong, then I don't WANT to be right! Heh!.

Actually, there are many theories that link humour very closely with things like aggression and fear!. Very primitive responses that we may be able to overcome, but not prevent from happening!.

So don't feel guilty about it or you'll just make me laugh!. Heh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is looking into the child in all of us!. For example if you slipped on a wet floor in your life and then learned to be careful on wet floors, you may chuckle at someone who didn't learn that lesson yet!. And then put up a wet floor sign to show you have mastered that fall!. And know what happens if more children walk this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its all just morals, for me, i know its wrong, so i try to not laugh and help them, because if you were in their shoes would you laugh!? probably not!. send kindness with a smile

No, as long as your not hoping like disease and retard children on these people!. When people get hurts its always funny except when its you , but even sometimes thats funny too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think its ok as long as you realize that someone will laugh at your misfortune at some point but i do it all the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on how serious the situation is!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it can be tasteless sometimes but we are humans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Enjoy quietly like a baby hippo in a mud pool!.
Remeber - he how laughs first will be laughed at larst!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sitting inthe bathroom is the best solutionWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it's petty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's wrong, but it's human and natural!. We all do it!Www@QuestionHome@Com