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Position:Home>Philosophy> Before closing the doors did Noah went to Australia to pick up some kangaroo and

Question: Before closing the doors did Noah went to Australia to pick up some kangaroo and koalas and in South America f
for some other species!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Bible is a collection of Hebrew myths, like Greek myths or Indian myths!. Of course kangaroos aren't mentioned because ancient Israelites had never heard of kangaroos, and did not for over two thousand years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Must have! Some scholars believe it was a local flood which could account for the diversity of animals, or possibly, if it occured as the bible recounts, the land mass wasn't as it is today, but one big land with all the animals in the same areas, making the bible story much, much older than bible historians believe!.
Now there's a long compound sentense, but that's how I see the answer to your querry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone will have a different answer!.
I take it that you don't believe the flood story!?
As Loryntoo pointed out, almost every culture has a flood story!. It's hard to imagine that there's no real basis for it when it comes up in such diverse cultures!.
also, this was passed down from a small group of survivors!. They reported that the whole world was flooded and, probably from their point of view, it was!. What happened beyond the area they could see is unknown to us, just as it was to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although there are flood legends in every culture, the Noah legend is of Hebrew origin and, if it happened at all, it happened in the Middle East!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it says 2 of all animals!.!.!.!.remeber that during those times the earth was on large land mass called pangea( i didnt spell that right) and the animals came to himWww@QuestionHome@Com