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Position:Home>Philosophy> For you, if there is (if you think there is), what is the purpose of life?

Question: For you, if there is (if you think there is), what is the purpose of life!?
Please, be honest, only serious opinions, i would like to know what you think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At first, I had no idea!. I thought maybe there was no purpose in life!. But, then, I'd have no real reason to live!. Once I died, I'd be nothing, anyway, right!? I felt kind of aethistic at that time!. So, what would be the difference if I died now or 50 years from now!?

But, some people may call this a cop-out, but all life, all reality could not exist simply for the purpose of nothing!. For no reason at all!. It just lacked!.!.!. Logic!. So, my purpose in life became to figure out what my purpose in life was!.

Then, for awhile, I thought maybe it was to learn the lessons of life!. Then I realized we already know all of it!. It's just a matter of remembering!. But, surely the purpose of life isn't simply to forget and remember what we'd already know!. What would be the point in forgetting in the first place!?

Then I realized that the purpose was that we did 'know' everything!. But, we had yet to actually apply this knowledge!. It's like a man who had read all about sex, but never had it!. How empty!. So, the purpose in life, as I know it now, is to 'experience' that which we already know!. To apply the eternal knowledge within us to our lives!.

Never was my purpose in life 'to serve God'!. Not in a standard sense!. It's God!. It doesn't need servants!. God does not possess an ego that I need to stroke!. God will not damn me for eternity for using the free will 'It' gave me!. God will not send a part of 'itself' to eternal torment just because that one 'soul' couldn't get life right in a one shot chance!. Again, lacks logic!.

My purpose in life is to 'serve God', if by that you mean that I live life with the realization that I live for the experience of all, and to work to make my life and those around me better!. Strangely, I found people don't feel their life is better if I'm constantly telling them that they'll go to hell if they don't believe what I do!. So, I decided to cease the belief of 'hell' altogether!. At least, how it's thought of now!. But, you didn't ask what I don't believe the purpose of life to be!.!.!. You asked what I DO believe it to be!.

So, after a long answer, I end simply: Experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had been so confused all my life because I didn't realized that I was taking the path against my destined life!. Yet I had been lost and all so wounded by many mistakes though perhaps I had affected in either way some others too in this venture, But then I realized that was a significant thing for me to encounter to learn and pursue the path that was truly mine!. I may say to be aware of empathy and to help heal wounds of others while I do also for myself!. To get along with a spiritual solitude life!. In this, I feel peacefully more connected with God and myself!. It gives my heart more way for others too!.
So I have to endure trials and motivate myself, facing challenges then to pursue ahead!. So as I keep on learning and knowing more the value of being true to others as well as to myself!.

They say you choose the life that you live!. Yet, then some say they were forced to choose the life that they were living!. Then sometimes no matter what you choose it seems to keep you bringing into the same end!. So one maybe convinced at times that this one, that keeps on persisting could have an existing significant purpose in your life!. Maybe that it could be a message of a destined path!. It is probably the reason of my own existence!. As well as yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) I beliebe there is no "purpose of life" in the sense of "why or what for do we live!?"!. No destiny, no gods, no soul!.

2) In the natural world the purpose is to survive and propagate!.

3) In my personal world I live to experience happiness and satisfaction!. To be safe, happy and healthy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, I am a huge fan of Sylvia Browne, and she has written many amazing books on spirituality, after life and where we go when we leave this life!. I agree with many of her opinions, and beleive that we are eternal spirits and come down to earth to learn lessons, then go back when we are fulfilled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i think that each person has a destiny but people take different paths to get to their destiny!. I also think that each person has a purpose in life but they choose the puspose in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, the purpose of life, first of all, is to make more life!. i think we were born beacsue of destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The fulfillment of the purpose of your human nature in accord with virtue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I was created in a lab used by the DNA of Tom Brady and Peyton Manning!. My meaning in life is to replace them after they retireWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is no "We" in "Your" life!. It's all about you and the choices you make w/ others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think we were born to change the world and and every living being around us!. we live, we build, therefor we change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com